Magyar Immunológiai Társaság 13th EFIS-EJI Tatra Immunology Conference (June 9 - 13, 2018)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2018.06.09.Rendezvény vége: 2018.06.13. Szakterület(ek): Allergológia, klinikai immunológia
Helyszín: Slovakia, Štrbské Pleso, A rendezvény Web oldala: Venue: Hotel Patria, which is located on Štrbské Pleso (the mountainside of the High Tatras).
Date: June 9 - 13, 2018
The 13th EFIS-EJI Tatra Immunology Conference will include lectures by invited speakers, poster presentations by other participants and informal discussions combined with extended midday recreational activities. The aim of the organizers is to have the conference in a style similar to the Gordon Conferences, i.e. with a lot of informal discussions and no written proceedings.
Participation is limited to approx. 120. If you are interested in participating, please register electronically via this site before February 28, 2018. You will be informed that your registration has been recieved and will be given the details about conference fee payment. Several poster presentations will be selected for brief oral presentations. The conference fee is 400 EUR and includes conference programme, 4 nights of accommodation (in single or double rooms), full subsistence, evening social programme, transport from the nearest airport (Kosice) and several trips during midday breaks.
A limited number of student fellowships (registration reduction by 200 or even 400 EUR) will be available upon request. More information about the stipends can be found in the section Fellowships.>>
More information on the website: >>
Magyar Osteológiai és Osteoarthrológiai Társaság Osteológiai Kongresszus 2018
Rendezvény kezdete: 2018.06.07.Rendezvény vége: 2018.06.09. Szervező: Nagy Judit Munkahely neve: Meetings & More Kft. Címe: 1115, Budapest, Bartók Béla út 152/H Tel: +36 30 210 9670 E-mail: Helyszín: 8230 Balatonfüred, Széchenyi u. 20., Hotel Füred Spa & Conference**** A rendezvény Web oldala:{web_id} Kedves Kollégák!
Szeretettel várjuk Önöket a 2018. évi Osteológiai Kongresszuson!
Helyszín: Hotel Füred Spa & Conference**** (8230 Balatonfüred, Széchenyi u. 20.)
Időpont: 2018. június 7-9.
Online regisztráció és absztraktbejelentés ide kattintva
Absztrakt beadási határidő május 15-ig meghosszabbítva!
Kollegiális üdvözlettel:
Dr. Takács István
a MOOT elnöke
Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága Onkokardiológiai Napok 2018
Rendezvény kezdete: 2018.06.07.Rendezvény vége: 2018.06.09. Helyszín: Hajdúszoboszló, Mátyás Király sétány 10., Hunguest Hotel Béke**** A rendezvény Web oldala: Kongresszusként akkreditálva.
Célcsoport: belgyógyászat, háziorvostan, kardiológia, klinikai onkológia, sugártherápia
Kreditpont tesztírással: 16 pont
További információ, jelentkezés:
A tervezett program a csatolt dokumentumban található.
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat ISA München 2017 - 5th Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.07.25.Rendezvény vége: 2017.07.29. Tudományos információ: Professor Thomas Ruzicka (Congress President) Munkahely neve: Department of Dermatology, University of Munich Címe: Frauenlobstrasse 9-11 / Thalkirchner Strasse 48
80337 Munich
Germany Munkahely neve: INTERPLAN Fortbildungswoche GmbH Címe: Landsberger Strasse 155
80687 Munich
Germany Tel: +49 (0)89 54 82 34-73 Fax: +49 (0)89 54 82 34-42 E-mail: Email: Helyszín: Germany, München, A rendezvény Web oldala: Connecting the Global Dermatological Community:
The 5th gathering of international experts and colleagues is planned for July 2017 and we extend this invitation to you to join us in Munich. ISA 2017 will once again present a unique and exciting platform where different cultures with a variety of approaches to skin diseases, varying access to and availability of treatment protocols, products and equipment will meet, learn and exchange. Emphasis is placed on the practical treatment of skin diseases, important in daily practice.
The entire spectrum of practical dermatology will be addressed including paediatric dermatology, infectious diseases, dermatosurgery, geriatric dermatology, aesthetic dermatology, laser treatment, leg ulcers and wound healing, dermatopathology, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, photodynamic therapy, fillers and botulinumtoxin, trichology. The highly successful Master Classes and hands-on courses will be on offer again.
Registration: Online registration will be available in early December 2016. Watch this space for details concerning registration fees and course offer. Kapcsolódó linkek (1)
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat EADO 7th European Post-Chicago Melanoma/ Skin Cancer Meeting
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.06.29.Rendezvény vége: 2017.06.30. Helyszín: Germany, Munich, A rendezvény Web oldala: European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) invites to the 7th European Post-Chicago Melanoma / Skin Cancer Meeting
Dear colleagues,
Hereby we would like to invite you to join the “7th European Post-Chicago Melanoma / Skin Cancer Meeting: Results and Interpretations of ASCO Presentations 2017: Interdisciplinary Global Conference on News in Melanoma / Skin Cancer”, June 29th-30th, 2017 in Munich, Germany. Please find the conference program including a registration form attached. Registration is also possible online at http://www.melanomaglobal2017. org/index.php/registration. html.
The first Post-Chicago Meeting on Melanoma / Skin Cancer took place 2011. In 2016, the meeting has attracted more than 600 participants from almost 35 countries. The interactive congress offers a comprehensive overview on all new developments in melanoma diagnostics and therapy and a direct communication with the world´s leading experts in these fields.
European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO):
The EADO is a non-profit organization funded in 1999 to promote, coordinate and improve clinical and laboratory research activities in the field of skin cancer including primary and secondary prevention, early detection, clinical diagnosis and clinical and experimental research. EADO has organized many successful meetings and the upcoming ones are visible on the website
Educational Objectives:
The aim of the Interdisciplinary Global Conference on News in Melanoma / Skin Cancer in Munich is to grant a deep overall insight into the development of new drugs for melanoma and other cutaneous malignancies. The lively interaction of clinicians, as well as experts in translational and basic research, and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, guarantees a successful outcome for every participant.
International and national key opinion leaders on skin cancer will be invited to give an overview throughout specified presentations, to present latest clinical trial results, and to discuss on exciting new drugs with the audience. In addition to the scientific value of this meeting, every participant may seize the given opportunity to interact with experts in a familiar setting in one of the most interesting cities of Germany.
All those interested in presenting abstracts at the “7th European Post-Chicago Melanoma and Skin Cancer Meeting” are invited to submit their work to the Program Committee for review. Selected abstracts will be chosen for the Free Communications Session and as posters. The acceptance of an abstract does not include conference registration.
Deadline Abstract Submission: May 1st, 2017
Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts: May 15th, 2017
Further information regarding the conference is available online at http://www.melanomaglobal2017. org.
We look forward to welcoming you in Munich in June 2017!