Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Magyar Immundeficiencia Társaság Kongresszusa
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.09.22.Rendezvény vége: 2017.09.22. Szakterület(ek): Allergológia, klinikai immunológia
Helyszín: 1023 Budapest, Ürömi u. 56., MRA Székház Tisztelt Kolléganő/Kolléga!
A Magyar Immundeficiencia Társaság (MIDET) legközelebbi konferenciáját 2017. szeptember 22-én , 10:30-kor tartjuk.
a Magyar Reumatológia Haladásáért Alapítvány székháza (Budapest, II. ker., Ürömi út 56. sz.).
Napirendi pontok:
1.) ESID Regiszter – Hazai betegek bejelentésének helyzete és problémái
Előadó: Dr. Tóth Beáta, vezetőségi tag
2.) 3. J Project Kongresszus, Budapest – Orvosok, kutatók és betegek részvétele
Előadó: Prof. Maródi László, elnök
3.) Taglétszám és gazdasági helyzet
Előadó: Dr. Lányi Árpád, titkár
4.) Vezetőség választás
Levezető: Prof. Nagy Kálmán, elnök
5.) Egyebek
A Konferenciát az Immunhiányos Gyermekekért Alapítvány és a Magyar Immunhiányos Betegekért Egyesület is támogatja.
A Konferenciára és az azt követő ebédre ezúton, tisztelettel meghívjuk.
A Konferencián és az ebéden való részvételi szándékát szeptember 18-ig, Dr. Lányi Árpád címére ( ) juttassa el.
MIDET elnökség
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat Sixth UEMS Conference on CME-CPD in Europe, EACCME 3.0: The Next Frontier - A Pan-European CME-CPD Partnership (Brussels, Belgium, 2024.03.08-09.)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.03.08.Rendezvény vége: 2024.03.09. Helyszín: Belgium, 8203;Double Tree by Hilton Brussels City Brussels, 3 Rue Gineste, & A rendezvény Web oldala: Join us on Fri Mar 08 2024 for an exciting in-person event that will explore the future of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). At EACCME3.0, we will bring together medical professionals from across Europe to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the field. This unique partnership aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange, shaping the next frontier in medical education. With a diverse range of expert speakers and interactive sessions, you'll have the opportunity to learn from the best in the industry and gain valuable insights to enhance your professional practice. Don't miss this chance to network with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and be part of the future of CME-CPD. Register now to secure your spot! Programme: Please find the programme here Exhibition opportunity: For information and conditions, see here Conference registration: Please note that you will be able to attend the conference either physically in Brussels or virtually via live-streaming .Fee for live attendance in Brussels: Early registration fee (till 30th November 2023): 650 € (VAT excl.) Late registration fee (from 1st December 2023): 750 € (VAT excl.) Fee for virtual attendance via live streaming: Early registration fee (till 30th November 2023): 550 € (VAT excl.) Late registration fee (from 1st December 2023): 650 € (VAT excl.) Hotel registration: DoubleTree Room Booking Link - Discounted rates The group rate secured is 155 EUR per night based on single occupancy for the nights you need between 8 - 10 March 2024. For the night of the 7th March, the rate is 195 EUR. This rate includes breakfast, WiFi and VAT. It excludes the city tax of EUR 4.24 per room per night. Double use of the room will be an extra charge for breakfast per day @ 20 EUR. Should you have any queries regarding your conference registration or hotel booking, thank you for contacting our PCO, Nicole Elzebroek, at the following email address: Please find the registration and hotel booking brochure here Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat GVF Annual Scientific Symposium (San Diego, CA, USA, 2024.03.07.) - Global Vitiligo Foundation
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.03.07.Rendezvény vége: 2024.03.07. Helyszín: USA, San Diego, CA, Marriott Marquis San Diego Hotel A rendezvény Web oldala: Each year GVF holds a call for abstracts for its annual scientific symposium. The symposium takes place on the Thursday before the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) conference. During the symposium, attendees have the opportunity to receive an update on the work of GVF and hear research abstracts from some of the best researchers and clinicians in the world.Call for abstracts >> Now open!Registration >>
Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság International Conference on Infectious Disease
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.03.06.Rendezvény vége: 2024.03.07. Tudományos információ: Zeenat Zeenat Williams Munkahely neve: Scitechseries Címe: India, London, London, UK Tel: 04420458748 E-mail: Szervező: Zeenat Zeenat Williams Címe: UK, London, London, UK Tel: 04420458748 E-mail: Helyszín: UK, 71-75 London, London, UK, Scitechseries Publishing Limited A rendezvény Web oldala: Join us at the “International Conference on Infectious Diseases”, held in London, UK on March 06-07, 2024, under the theme "Advancing breakthroughs in the field of Infectious Diseases," organized by Scitechseries. This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate as In-person in London, UK or Virtually from your home or workplace.
This event offers a prime platform for scientists, researchers, and industry representatives to converge, exchange ideas, and showcase their research.
As a speaker, you'll engage with global experts, enhancing your reputation in Infectious diseases Access workshops, and Q&A discussions, gaining insights from fellow thought leaders. Present workshops for in-depth discussions or engage in panel debates.
By participating you will unlock benefits like real networking, collaborating face-to-face with international experts, discussing cutting-edge challenges, technologies, and research across scientific domains. Elevate your profile, expand your knowledge, and make meaningful connections in the field.
Magyar Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Társaság ICE 2024 | Endocrinology Conference, Dubai, 1-3 March 2024
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.03.01.Rendezvény vége: 2024.03.03. Helyszín: UAE, Dubai, A rendezvény Web oldala: Dear Colleague, As you attended the ICE Congress in the past, you know from previous experience that ICE Congress offers top-quality science , excellent lectures from international experts and many opportunities to share, connect and grow professionally. The 21st International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE 2024) will take place on 1-3 March 2024 in Dubai. With the abstract submission deadline on 12 September 2023 , we would like to ask for your valuable support to help advance endocrine science and clinical practise. You can do that by submitting an abstract and sharing this opportunity with your professional network. Review the abstract topics and take the next step to push forward your career.Join us now and submit your abstract by 12 September 2023. Congress website ISE TRAVEL GRANTS
As part of its mission, the International Society of Endocrinology is committed to providing support to young investigators and researchers, particularly from underserved regions, to present their research to an international audience. ISE is delighted to make the ISE Travel Grants Program available again for the upcoming ICE 2024 congress in Dubai. The Program is now open for applications through the abstract submission system of the congress.
Meet the Committee
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About the venue
Magyar Radiológusok Társasága Minimally-invasive treatments of the Thyroid and Save the Thyroid Course 2024 (Milan, Italy – February, 15th -16th 2024)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.02.15.Rendezvény vége: 2024.02.16. Helyszín: Italy, Milan, Minimally Invasive Thyroid Treatments (MITT) are increasingly applied in the clinical practice all over Europe for the treatment for benign and malignant thyroid diseases. The MITT group has been founded in 2018 in Italy, to promote multidisciplinary partnership among physicians with different expertise who share the interest in MITT and to improve the clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic management of benign and malignant thyroid and parathyroid glands diseases. During the 2024 MITT meeting, the present guidelines on both benign and malignant thyroid disease management will be presented, and the most widely used techniques for ablation will be presented by renowned experts in the field. Also, the most updated evidence on the application of MITT in benign thyroid nodules, autonomously functioning thyroid nodules, and malignant tumours will be illustrated. Furthermore, a series of real-life clinical cases will be presented and discussed between the expert panel and the participants. During the second day, the organization of a thyroid ablation clinical practice will be discussed, with particular focus on preoperative and postoperative patients’ management, possible type of anaesthesia, with the discussion of a video-recorded treatment. In the end, a series of “hot topics” on minimally invasive treatments of the thyroid will be presented and discussed with the participants, including treatment of parathyroid adenomas, complications of MITT and their management, and the problem of nodule regrowth. Hands-on workshops will also be available at the end of the meeting for those who will want to try the different available technologies and techniques on dedicated phantoms. For information: ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT Arseducandi Srl, e-mail: +39 02 58189248