Magyar Laboratóriumi Diagnosztikai Társaság |
Összefüggések a diabetes mellitus és a daganatos betegségek előfordulása között |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.09.20. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.09.20. |
Szakterület(ek): Laboratóriumi medicina |
Helyszín: Budapest, Halmi út 20-22., Aesculap Akadémia |
A Magyar Orvostársaságok és Egyesületek Szövetségének Interdiszciplináris Fóruma
Helyszín: Aesculap Akadémia (1115 Budapest , Halmi út 20-22.)
Időpont: 2017.09.20.
Moderátor: Dr. Németh Zsolt
a Magyar Arc-, Állcsont- és Szájsebészeti Társaság elnöke
A jelentkezési lapot kitöltve kérjük 2017. szeptember 15-ig visszaküldeni e-mailben az info@motesz.hu címre.
A rendezvényen való részvétel ingyenes, pontértékelése folyamatban van.
Program >>
Online jelentkezés >>
Letölthető jelentkezési lap >>
Magyar Rehabilitációs Társaság |
Federation of Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.09.20. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.09.23. |
Helyszín: Kodály Centre Pécs, Hungary (4. Breuer Marcell Sétány, 7621 Pécs), |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://rehab.hu/hirek.aspx?nid=84297&cid=300#84297 |
We cordially invite you to the Federation of Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting (FENS FRM) organized by the Hungarian Neuroscience Society and the University of Pécs.
Date: 20-23 September 2017
Venue and location: Kodály Centre Pécs, Hungary (4. Breuer Marcell Sétány, 7621 Pécs)
Abstract submission deadline: 30/04/2017
Early Bird registration deadline: 30/04/2017
Registration deadline: 10/09/2017
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2019 |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.04.12. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.04.15. |
Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia |
Helyszín: Australia, Melbourne, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.isnwcn2019.org |
Important deadlines:
• Nov. 12, 2018 - Abstract submission deadline
• Jan. 21, 2019 - Early registration deadline
The ISN World Congress of Nephrology is a great opportunity to raise the profile of your work among a body of international nephrology specialists. Besides potentially securing the author a presentation slot, accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the searchable databases of the WCN 2019 and Kidney International Reports (an official journal of the ISN). About 20 select abstracts will also be published (electronically) at the ISN Academy. Since abstract presenters must also be registered by January 31, 2019, we encourage you to take advantage of the early bird discount – which will easily defray the $40 processing fee.
Early bird discounts
If you register now, you can enjoy significant savings (up to $200 USD) on your admission to the congress, which includes the scientific program, all plenary sessions and unparalleled access to international medical expertise in kidney care and research.
CME Accreditation
The ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2019 has been accredited with 17 European CME credits by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Both pre-congress courses and WCN 2019 itself has been accredited.
We are also pleased to offer a travel grant program for ISN members residing in low income countries and lower middle-income countries wishing to attend WCN 2019. You can find more info here >>
Searchable program is now online!
http://www.isnwcn2019.org is where we’ve assembled all the latest information for this truly unique global meeting. Just recently the online searchable program has been uploaded. View it HERE >>
Though this year’s special focus is on glomerulonephritis and integrated end-stage kidney disease, you can be sure that all aspects of kidney disease will be covered.
Come to Melbourne and meet some of the world's leading nephrology experts at the World Congress of Nephrology 2019!
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság |
8th Translational Immunology School |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.04.11. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.04.13. |
Helyszín: Germany, Potsdam, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://dgfi.org/akademie-fuer-immunologie/translational-school/ |
The School
The Translational Immunology Schools (TIS) up to now were great success stories. They were attended each by more than 50 people from academic research as well as from clinical research institutions and industry. The topics covered include developments in diagnostics, new research technologies, modern immune intervention and new immune therapeutic principles. Moreover there was a focus on vaccines and B cells as important therapeutic targets. Furthermore, we discussed the current status on stem cell therapy, gene therapy and immune therapy of tumors as well as transplantation tolerance in the last translational schools. Similar topics will be presented on our 8th Translational Immunology School. Since 2014 various changes were introduced for the school: