Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
MET XXIV. Kongresszus |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2016.11.25. | Rendezvény vége: 2016.11.26. |
Tudományos információ: Halmy Eszter |
Munkahely neve: Magyar Elhízástudományi Társaság |
Tel: +36 20 929-2472, +36 28 404-010 |
E-mail: eszter@halmy.hu |
Szervező: G-Management Zrt. |
Címe: 1135 Budapest, Kerekes u. 9. |
Tel: +36 1 320 4848, +36 1 320 5016 |
E-mail: rendezveny@gmrt.hu |
Helyszín: 3300 Eger, Eszterházy tér 1., Eszterházy Károly Egyetem |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://gmrt.hu/elhizastudomany/ |
XXIV. éves Kongresszusunk – amely egyben a III. Konszenzus Konferencia az elhízásról – célkitűzése a legújabb obezitológiai valamint a társszakterületek idevonatkozó kutatási eredményeinek felhasználásával előkészíteni az elhízás jelenleg alkalmazásra javasolt diagnosztikai, kezelési és megelőzési protokolljait, valamint a Budapesten megrendezett 5th Central European Congress on Obesity konklúziói szellemében megfogalmazni a területet érintő újabb kihívásokat. |
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
ERA-EDTA Congress 2021 |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.06.05. | Rendezvény vége: 2021.06.08. |
Helyszín: Virtual, Berlin, |
Don’t forget to submit your abstract by January 15, 2021 and you will have the chance to:
- contribute to the advancement of science
- share your research
- network with colleagues from all over the world
at one of the biggest nephrology congresses worldwide.
- New abstract category "Sustainable Kidney Care", directly linked to the theme of the Congress “Healthy Environment - Healthy Kidneys”. Check all categories here
- By sending your abstract(s) you will get up to 50% discount to register for the 2021 ERA-EDTA Congress (Registrations will open on January 20, 2021).
- Your accepted abstract will receive great visibility through the "Mini-Orals" (4 slides - 5 minutes), pre-recorded Power Point files (including Q&A) which will substitute our traditional posters starting 2021.
- Mini-Oral special sessions:
Quick fire 1, 2, 3!
Moderated sessions
Tour Leaders and more...
Also this year the ERA-EDTA will award 90 travel grants to the authors of the highest scoring abstracts in the various categories to attend the 2021 ERA-EDTA Congress free of charge. If you are between 29 and 40 years old, don’t forget to fill in your application for this grant during the abstract submission.
Best wishes
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
ESPD Annual Meeting 2021, online |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.05.12. | Rendezvény vége: 2021.05.14. |
Helyszín: online, Ausztria, Bécs, Hofburg |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.espd.info/espd2021 |
Dear friends,
We are living hard times in Europe because of the terrible spread of the Covid-19 and the decisions about lockdown. It is impossible to predict at this moment when the epidemics and the restrictions will be over. In this setting, and considering not only these uncertainties but also the protection of the health of our members, we have made the decision to postpone the 2020 ESPD Congress in Vienna.
The date selected for the next ESPD Congress is the 12-14 May 2021. The venue will be also the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, as it was for this year.
All speakers and presenters of posters and oral communications will be contacted soon. It is our purpose to respect and maintain those accepted abstracts, so they can be presented in the meeting next year.
We do apologize for this decision, but we hope you can understand that it was the best solution for all the actors in the meeting. We are sad for this and of course we will miss you very much.
We look forward very much to seeing you next year in Vienna and celebrate together our magnificent and most friendly 2021 ESPD congress.
Best wishes,
Antonio Torrelo
ESPD President |