Magyar Immunológiai Társaság 'Microbes and Society' tudományos ülés (Budapest, 2015.11.03.)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2015.11.03.Rendezvény vége: 2015.11.03. Szakterület(ek): Allergológia, klinikai immunológia
Helyszín: 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9. III. emelet, MTA Székház, Nagyterem A rendezvény Web oldala: A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Biológiai Tudományok Osztálya Mikrobiológiai Osztályközi Tudományos Bizottsága tisztelettel meghívja Önt a 2015. évi World Science Forum keretében „Microbes and Society” címmel tartandó tudományos ülésére.
Az előadás ideje: 2015. november 3. (kedd) 10.30. óra
Az előadás helye: MTA Székház, Nagyterem (1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9. II. emelet)
10.30. Stackebradt, Erko (Professor, Leibnitz Institute, DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures; Coordinator, MIRRI-Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure, Braunschweig, Germany): Scientists and (their) microbial resources: responsibilities revisited
11.00. Balázs, Ervin (Member of HAS, Professor, Director-general, Centre for Agricultural Reserch, Hungarian Academy of Science, Martonvárár, Hungary): Microbes serving agri-food industry
11.30-12.00. Szünet
12.00. Nagy, Károly (Professor, Institute of Medical Microbiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary): How science supports management of emerging infections
12.30. Rajnavölgyi, Éva (Professor, Department of Immunology, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary): Human life in invisible company - The significance of preventive vaccination
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Magyar Immunológiai Társaság ECI 2012 - European Congress of Immunology
Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.09.05.Rendezvény vége: 2012.09.08. Munkahely neve: British Society for Immunology (BSI) Munkahely neve: Congress Secretariat Címe: 1st Floor, Chesterfield House,
385 Euston Road, NW1 3AU
London, UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7383 8030 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7383 8040 E-mail: Helyszín: Scotland / Skócia, Glasgow, A rendezvény Web oldala: The European Congress of Immunology 2012 (ECI 2012) is a highly anticipated gathering of clinicians and researchers of basic and clinical immunology.
Over 5,000 delegates are expected to attend this triennial event – the biggest of its kind in Europe. ECI 2012 is a unique opportunity to join fellow immunology experts and participate in a rich and varied scientific programme that will present the latest findings in the field.
Abstract Submission will open in January 2012.
Early registration until 24/07/12.
Welcome Letter
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to invite you to participate in the 3rd European Congress of Immunology (ECI2012) to be held in Glasgow, UK, 5-8 September 2012. The congress, under the auspices of EFIS (the European Federation of Immunology Societies), is organised by the British Society for Immunology (BSI). This congress, which is held every three years, follows the two hugely successful congresses held in Paris (2006) and Berlin (2009).
ECI 2012, with the theme “A healthier future through research, education and innovation” will have 4 parallel tracks with equal emphasis on basic and clinical immunology. There will be 24 symposia and 72 workshops covering all aspects of immunology: Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, Diseases of the immune system, and Immune interventions.
The speakers will be leading basic and clinical immunologists from all over the world. Several European Societies dealing with immunology, mostly in applied science have shown enormous enthusiasm in organising additional symposia. There will also be lunch time symposia sponsored by our industrial partners.
The congress, with 5000 participants, the largest gathering of the European immunologists, will provide a unique environment to network with colleagues from all over Europe and beyond. The Scottish Exhibition and Convention Centre, a modern and well planned facilities, will provide a relaxed and interactive venue for exciting scientific exchange and to view the latest development offered by related industry. There will be at least 500 bursaries to facilitate the participation of young scientists.
I look forward to welcoming you to Glasgow for this exciting and unique event.
Foo Yew Liew
President, ECI 2012 Kapcsolódó linkek (2)