Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága |
VIII. Őszi Szegedi Allergia Nap (Szeged, 2013.09.14.) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.09.14. | Rendezvény vége: 2013.09.14. |
Szakterület(ek): Gyermekgyógyászat |
Helyszín: Szeged, IH Rendezvényközpont, Szeged |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://congress-service.hu/2013/szan |
A rendezvény 22 ponttal akkreditált.
Helyszín: IH Rendezvényközpont, Szeged
Regisztrációs díj:
2013. július 31-ig: 7.000 Ft
2013. augusztus 1-től: 8.000 Ft
További információk és bejelentkezési lehetőség:
http://congress-service.hu/2013/szan |
Magyar Plasztikai Helyreállító és Esztétikai Sebész Társaság |
ESPRAS 2018 (Limassol, Cyprus, 23rd-27th October 2018) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.10.23. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.10.27. |
Szakterület(ek): Plasztikai sebészet |
Helyszín: Cyprus, Limassol, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.espras2018.org/home.html |
The European Societies in collaboration with the Cyprus Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery invite you to the 13th quadrennial, not-to- be-missed event of the year: “ESPRAS 2018”
International masters, young inquisitive minds and established researchers in their field will congregate on the Island of Cyprus from the 23rd-27th October 2018.
ESPRAS 2018 is dedicated to developments in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, in microsurgery, transplantation of the limb and face, humanitarian work of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic societies and... more.
• Come and be informed about the latest developments in your special field of interest!
• Present your work and discuss your findings with your peers.
• Enjoy an unforgettable holiday in Cyprus!
The Cyprus Society of Plastic Surgeons invites you!
More details on the website: http://www.espras2018.org/home.html >>
Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete |
18th EULAR Postgraduate Course (22–25 October 2017 in Belgrade) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.10.22. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.10.25. |
Szakterület(ek): Reumatológia |
Helyszín: Serbia, Belgrade, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.eular.org/edu_course_postgraduate.cfm |
Target participants
• Fellows/residents in rheumatology (particularly those preparing for certifying examinations and those who are registered for the on-line EULAR course)
• Clinician scientists in rheumatology
• Newly certified rheumatologists as well as more experienced rheumatologists who need to remain up-to-date in rheumatology and immunology
Course description
With its postgraduate course, EULAR seeks to update the professional knowledge of young rheumatologists from around the world, whilst giving the participants the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and experiences.
A unique 3 day (Sunday lunchtime through Wednesday lunchtime) refresher, "crash course", in clinical and experimental rheumatology taught by selected faculty of European experts in a very interactive and cordial environment. Participants have the opportunity to meet the experts in an informal setting and network with trainees and rheumatologists from all over the world.
Interactive workshop sessions
Participants may choose between the following workshops (1 choice)
• How to design a clinical trial
• How to screen and manage adverse events associated with DMARDs
• How to design a study to understand risk factors
• How to screen and manage comorbidities with rheumatic diseases
Course Programme >>
Course Fee 2017
700EUR including 3 nights accommodation, all meals, all lectures, workshops, meet the professor events, etc.
Course Registration
Register here >>
EULAR course bursaries
EULAR grants 20 bursaries to young rheumatologists (below age 40) preparing and presenting their own clinical case during the course.
Applications for bursaries must include:
• Curriculum vitae with date of birth
• List of publications
Please note that you have to be duly registered for the course in order to apply for a bursary. Once a bursary is granted, a reimbursement will be made. From 10 April 2017 to 11 September 2017
You can apply for a bursary here >>
More details on the website >>
Magyar Angiológiai és Érsebészeti Társaság |
8th Congress of the Serbian Society of Cardiovascular Surgeions (20th – 22nd of October, 2017, Belgrade) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.10.20. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.10.22. |
Szakterület(ek): Belgyógyászat, Sebészet |
Helyszín: Serbia, Belgrade, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.srscvs.org/index-en.html |
Dear friends,
Serbian Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons is organising its’ 8th Congress on 20th – 22nd of October, 2017, in Crowne plaza hotel, Belgrade. We have confirmation of 10 international experts, invited speakers, and we are expecting about 200 cardiovascular surgeons, nurses and technicians from Serbia and surrounding countries. Besides invited talks, abstracts sessions and workshops will be organized with expected high level of CME points. We are expecting also participation of cardiologist, angiologist and dermatologists in our scientific program. Join us with your abstract presentation (deadline is 01.07.2017) or your valuable and active discussion and spend some nice time in beautiful city of Belgrade.
Abstract submission until 01.07.2017.on srscvsabstract@gmail.com (up to 300 words).
Registration form should be sent to srscvscongress@gmail.com.
More details, and registration form on the website: http://www.srscvs.org/index-en.html >>