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A MSZNET legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Diczfalusy courses: Meeting #5: 23 March 2022 (Thursday), 17:00–18:30 CET
    [2022.03.03.] - MSZNET - Hírkategória: Általános

    Lectures for Year 2021–2022 / Semester 1.

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. György Bártfai MD, DSc Department of Obstetrics, University of Szeged

    The Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation announces a series of presentations (Diczfalusy Courses) by wellacknowledged international lecturers from all over the world and invites you to participate.
    In accordance with the Foundation’s mission, the aim of the courses is to promote reproductive health by establishing and supporting opportunities and forums for publication of scientific results, also organizing scientific conferences. We aim to create opportunities for internationally acclaimed scientists and young researchers to build fruitful professional relationships and present their latest scientifi c achievements. The Foundation specifically intends to supports scientifi c research with a special focus on young scientists.

    Meeting #5: 23 March 2022 (Thursday), 17:00–18:30 CET

    Moderator: Prof. Gábor Németh (Hungary)
    Uterine fi broids management in the practice including the oral GnRH antagonist combination therapy
    Speaker: Prof. Miklós Koppán (Hungary) – (50 min)

    You can register and get further details of the speakers and the presentations. Please, complete your registration no later than two days before the actual event. Our ability to provide wide access to such high-level scientific content would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer speakers, Board members and generous support from the participants. Therefore, we request your financial assistance of a registration fee of €15 per meeting so that we can continue our work towards the goals of the Foundation.


    We are looking forward to having you online on each event of the Diczfalusy Courses.

    The Board of the Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation


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