Lejárt a biztonsági időkorlát.
Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:

Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    ESPN meeting (Amsterdam 06-09 September 2021)
    [2021.01.25.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    We are happy to inform you that we have launched the website of the scientific meeting of the ESPN meeting Amsterdam 2021 (http://www.espn2021.org) and that we have opened the call for abstracts.

    The meeting format
    The Covid situation has forced us to look for a new format for the congress. We aim to organise a hybrid virtual and onsite meeting.
    This bridge between virtual and onsite has many advantages over both conventional ‘live’ and fully virtual meetings. Compared to the traditional situation, it improves the access to those with little financial means or to people who are not able to travel for other reasons and it bears the possibility to offer extra online services, like re-sharing key takeaways of presentations. Compared to fully virtual meetings, it allows people to have social contact if they prefer to attend onsite and it makes the congress more lively for both virtual and onsite attendees. In order to bring this to a higher level, we will use the services of a moderator who will fill up the interludes with interviews and films.

    Since we do not know yet what the epidemiological situation and the health care regulations will be later this year, the decision on the exact format (i.e. maximum number of attendees allowed onsite in a hybrid setting) will be postponed to May. This will be made public by May 15th. For this reason, registration will be opened at June 1st.

    About the program
    You will find the program outline on the website.
    Besides the traditional sessions with state-of-the-art lectures, pro-con discussions and oral presentations, we have introduced 18 pitch sessions for very short oral presentation of 3 minutes and 2 minutes discussion. This will allow some 200 young scientists to give an oral presentation of their work supplemented by an electronic poster. Apart from the classical oral presentations and pitch sessions, there will also be room for electronic posters.

    Important dates to remember:
    April 15th: final date for abstract submission
    May 15th: decision on congress format
    June 1st – July 15th: early registration
    July 15th – September 1st: late registration

    We look forward to an inspiring meeting and hope to meet you in Amsterdam, either in person or online!

    Visit the ESPN 2021 Website
