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ESPN Working Group on 'CAKUT, UTI, Bladder Disorders' on May 4, 15.00

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2021.04.13.


Dear collegues, I invite you to join a meeting of ESPN Working Group on “CAKUT, UTI, Bladder Disorders" on May 4, 15.00. During this meeting we will discuss the ongoing project of the working group, and new projects. Those of you who would like to suggest a project, please send me your proposal that I will distribute to all members. ESPN has announced a call for the Research projects, and joint projects from the working groups can get additional funding. The meeting will be followed at 16.00 by a lecture of Prof Carmine Zoccali, past President of ERA-EDTA, on “Hypertension and Kidney Disease” and a discussion of participants to the APRIC Study. The meeting is open for the Working Group members. If you are not a member yet but are interested to participate, or wish to become a member of the Group, please send me a message at my e-mail address: silvio.maringhini [ @ ] gmail.com Silvio Maringhini (Working Group Chair) Date: 4th May 2021, Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00 CET