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A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

Nephrology Exam Program Webinar (09 August, 2024)

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2024.07.30.


Dear All
Nephrology Exam Program Webinar
Greetings from the World Kidney Academy. We are thrilled to extend this exclusive invitation to you for the first innovative nephrology course. This course is designed to prepare you for your exit exams, including ESENpeh, Nephrology Board, Arab Board Exams, FCPS and many other Nephrology Fellowship Exams. It's an opportunity reserved for a select few, and we're excited to have you on board.

We want to take this opportunity to invite you to the first lecture, "Crack the MCQ," on Friday, 09/08/24, at 3 pm (UK/BST Time). Please check your local time. Please feel free to invite your colleagues.

Objectives of the Webinar:
  • Advice on scoring the highest mark if you studied the topic very well? Our webinar will provide practical strategies to ensure you're fully prepared for your exams.
  • Educated guess if you have to guess some of the answers.
  • Blind guess if you do not know the answers.
  • Our webinar will provide practical strategies for preparing for your exams, with many examples of how to answer them correctly.

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://icom.zoom.us/j/89863515017


Professor Ahmed Halawa MSc FRCS MEd MD FRCS (Gen)
Academic Lead of the Nephrology Exam Preparation Program
Consultant Transplant Surgeon
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals – UK


Dr. Ahmed Saleh MRCP ESENeph
Director of the Nephrology Exam Preparation Program
Consultant Nephrologist
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary – Scotland – UK

To register for the Nephrology Exam Preparation Program: