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Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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  • Kedves Kollégák, kedves Hallgatók, kedves immunológia iránt érdeklődők!Szeretettel meghívjuk Önöket a Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Vándorgyűlésére,...>> Magyar Immunológiai Társaság hírei

    [ 2024.07.17. ]

  • Időpontok: 2024. szeptember 17., október 1., 15., 29., november 12. (5x8 tanóra, keddenként 9-16 óráig)A képzés helyszíne:...>> Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság hírei

    [ 2024.07.17. ]

  • The European Lung Foundation (ELF),  a patient-led organisation that works internationally to bring patients and the public together with healthcare...>> Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága hírei

    [ 2024.07.15. ]

  • Pumpakezelésre jogosult centrumAlapfeltételAkkreditált diabetológiai szakellátóhely, mely kötelezettséget...>> Magyar Diabetes Társaság hírei

    [ 2024.07.12. ]

  • Az Ideggyógyászati Szemle szerkesztősége és kiadója 2024-ben pályázatot hirdet a legjobb fiatal szerzők által írt magyar nyelvű közleményekre. A díjakat...>> Magyar Fejfájás Társaság hírei

    [ 2024.07.12. ]

CKJ - Clinical Kidney Journal
  • Clinical Kidney Journal - June 2024
    The June issue of CKJ is out!

    EDITOR’S CHOICE Ten tips on immunosuppression in primary membranous nephropathy
    Membranous nephropathy (MN) management poses challenges, particularly in selecting appropriate immunosuppressive treatments and monitoring disease progression and complications.

    This article highlights 10 key tips for the management of primary MN based on current evidence and clinical experience.

  • Clinical Kidney Journal - May 2024
    A Clinical Kidney Journal 2024. májusi száma megtekinthető ide kattintva


    Acute kidney injury and point-of-care ultrasound in liver cirrhosis: redefining hepatorenal syndrome

    ­Whether to administer intravenous fluids or use diuretics (“to fill or to drain”) is a common clinical dilemma faced by clinicians providing care for patients with cirrhosis having AKI. Addressing the causes of AKI by combining traditional tools with point-of-care ultrasound scan (PoCUS) allows for a rapid and accurate diagnostic approach, applying individualized therapeutic strategies instead of the universal withdrawal of diuretics and volume expansion with albumin proposed by the ICA guidelines.
  • Clinical Kidney Journal - April 2024
    A Clinical Kidney Journal 2024. áprilisi száma megtekinthető ide kattintva

    A tartalomból:

    The diagnosis of acute interstitial nephritis caused by infection versus antibiotic-induced interstitial nephritis: a narrative review
    ­This narrative Review highlights certain findings that can be typical of infection-associated ATIN compared with antibiotic-associated ATIN based on clinical history and physical examination, clinical presentation of different antibiotic drug classes, histopathological features, classical and novel biomarkers, serum and urine cytokines and chemokines, cellular biomarkers, and genetic biomarkers.

    Are we ready for an adipocentric approach in people living with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease?
    ­The aim of this Review is to discuss the link between adiposity and CKM conditions as well as placing weight management at the centre of the holistic CKM syndrome approach with a focus on CKD.

    Validation of the Klinrisk chronic kidney disease progression model in the FIDELITY population
    ­The authors’ findings demonstrate the accuracy and utility of a laboratory-based prediction model for early identification of patients at the highest risk of CKD progression.

    Ionized and total magnesium levels in patients with chronic kidney disease: associated factors and outcomes
    This analysis of a large cohort of patients with moderate-to-advanced CKD demonstrated that individuals with higher serum tMg concentrations, although still within the normal range, had a greater likelihood of MACE and mortality. However, serum iMg levels were not associated with these outcomes.

    Validation of the Klinrisk chronic kidney disease progression model in the FIDELITY population­
    The authors’ findings demonstrate the accuracy and utility of a laboratory-based prediction model for early identification of patients at the highest risk of CKD progression.

    Ionized and total magnesium levels in patients with chronic kidney disease: associated factors and outcomes
    ­This analysis of a large cohort of patients with moderate-to-advanced CKD demonstrated that individuals with higher serum tMg concentrations, although still within the normal range, had a greater likelihood of MACE and mortality. However, serum iMg levels were not associated with these outcomes.

    Baxter Physioneal, Extraneal, Nutrineal (PEN) and Dianeal solution bags can be accidentally connected to Fresenius peritoneal dialysis catheter extensions in a non-sterile manner
    ­The authors suggest that specifically older persons doing PD and those who do not perform PD by themselves (assisted PD) may be at increased risk of misconnecting the two companies’ PD systems.
  • Clinical Kidney Journal - March 2024
    A Clinical Kidney Journal 2024 márciusi száma megtekinthető ide kattintva

    A tartalomból:

    Making the invisible visible: imaging techniques for assessing muscle mass and muscle quality in chronic kidney disease
    An increase in albuminuria is associated with a higher incidence of malignancies
    Association between diabetic status and risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality on dialysis following first kidney allograft loss
    Exploring the impact and utility of genomic sequencing in established CKD

  • Clinical Kidney Journal - February 2024
    The February issue of CKJ is now out!

    Access now!


    New author videos

    Do not miss this interesting pro/con debate!

    Further reading

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