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    A paradise of opportunities for radiographers at ECR 2013
    [2012.02.28.] - MRAE Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: Általános
    The quality of the ECR’s sessions for radiographers has been given a welcome seal of approval from the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) who recently selected the ECR as their official annual scientific meeting. EFRS president, Professor Graciano Paulo from the college of health technology of Coimbra, Portugal, has been coming to the ECR for more than a decade and firmly believes the upcoming congress boasts one of the best selections yet for radiographers.

    Here he gives his personal preview of ECR 2013 and each of these sessions:

    Graciano Paulo:
    The ECR is really a paradise of opportunities. This congress is worth visiting just for the chance to meet people from throughout the profession, to network, and to get a wider perspective on the world of medical imaging. But of course the superb scientific sessions and the knowledge shared within them are the core of this meeting. The radiographers’ sessions at the ECR have been increasing in quality every year, and for 2013 there will be some new additions to the programme that will make it one of the best ever. I would like to personally thank the chairs of the radiographers subcommittee, Dean Pekarovic and Valérie Vilgrain, who have ensured a very high quality programme, and I am also very grateful to ECR president Prof. Bilbao for giving us the opportunity to have the EFRS Meets session for the first time.

    Further information can be found in the attached file.

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