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Felhasználó név:
EFRS Elnökség
During the AGM in 2014 the EFRS executive Board was elected for a term of three years until November 2017.The executive Board is charged with the day to day management of the federation.
While exploring its role in Europe the newly founded EFRS will learn in the most effective way to act and to develop and promote the profession. Active participation of and input from the member societies in this process is a prerequisite in order to secure success.

EFRS Elnökség

Executive Board
PresidentVice-president Treasurer
Hakon HjemlyJonathan McnultyVasilis Syrgiamiotis
Hakon HjemlyJonathan McNultyVasilis Syrgiamiotis
Norsk RadiografforbundIrish Institute of Radiography and Radiation TherapyGreek Society of TEI’s Medical Radiological Technologists

Chief executive officer EFRS
Dorien Pronk-Larive
Dorien Pronk-Larive

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