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A MHT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    III. Central-European Meeting on Hypertension
    [2005.07.11.] - MHT - Hírkategória: Általános
    2005. október 13-16. között Magyarországon, Sopronban kerül megrendezésre a III. Közép-európai Hipertonológus Találkozó. A rendezvény meghívóját, további információkat angol nyelven olvashat az alábbiakban, a Kapcsolódó dokumentumok között megtalálja a Jelentkezési és Absztrakt bejelentő lapokat!

    It is a pleasure to invite you to the III. Central-European Meeting on Hypertension being held in Sopron, Hungary between 13-16 October, 2005.

    This may be a useful opportunity for all of the doctors belonging to Central- and Eastern-Europe to share their results and to discuss future activities and collaborations. Sopron is the ideal venue for strengthening the bonds between colleagues from Hungary and the surrounding countries.

    The topic is devoted to integrate basic sciences into clinical demands; therefore, a fruitful interdisciplinary discussion is assumed to result in a stimulating meeting. One of the most important aims of the meeting is providing possibility for collaboration and information exchange among specialists on an international level related to hypertension. Beside the invited lectures we offer an excellent occasion for young investigators and clinicians to present their results and achievements.

    The meeting venue is Sopron, a wonderful city, in way of architecture and historic sight it has plenty to offer. The venue of the congress will be the Hotel Szieszta, which is situated in the hills Lővér and offers excellent excursion and recreation facilities.

    Please find furtber information on the info site of the meeting >>



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