This year cardiology is in the focus of Semmelweis Symposium. The members of the Heart Center take the opportunity to kindly invite you to this event.
Date: 27-29. November
Location:Heart Center, 1122 Budapest, Gaál József str. 9.
Barabás Villa Conference Hall, 1122 Budapest, Városmajor str. 44.
More details, online registration >>
Cardiology has advanced more in the last half century than in the previous 2000 years. From the ancient philosophy of “Don’t touch the heart”, today the heart is just another target organ we invade with a variety of tools and sort of cardio-specific drugs.
Preliminary Scientific Program
Cardiovascular genetics and stem cell therapy
Arrhythmogenic substrate of arrhythmias
Novel therapeutic methods of Acute Coronary Syndrome
Current trends in Heart Failure Threrapy
Physiologic background of cardiac function regulation