Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
WPA Thematic Conference |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2011.06.09. | Rendezvény vége: 2011.06.12. |
Szakterület(ek): Pszichiátria, mentálhigiéné |
Tudományos információ: Levent KÜEY |
Címe: Turkey, 34330 Istanbul, No:5, 1. Levent |
Tel: + 90 212 282 33 73 |
Fax: + 90 212 282 33 21 |
E-mail: kueyl@superonline.com |
Munkahely neve: Serenas Tourism |
Címe: Turkey, 06550 Ankara, No:13, Yýldýz, Çankaya |
Tel: + 90 312 440 50 11 |
Fax: + 90 312 441 45 62 |
E-mail: wpaist2011@serenas.com.tr |
Helyszín: Turkey, Istanbul, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.wpaist2011.org |
„Rethinking Quality in Psychiatry: Education, Research, Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment” |
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
14th Annual Congress of the European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery (ESLAS) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2011.06.05. | Rendezvény vége: 2011.06.06. |
Szakterület(ek): Plasztikai sebészet |
Tudományos információ: Kontoes Paraskevas, MD PhD, Plastic Surgeon, President ESLAS |
Szervező: Maria Petsa |
Munkahely neve: Zita Congress S. A. |
Tel: +30 211 100 17 87 |
Fax: +30 210 664 21 16 |
E-mail: maria.petsa@zita-congress.gr |
Helyszín: Görögország, Mykonos szigete, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.eslas2011.com |
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 14th Annual Congress of the European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery (ESLAS) that will be held in Mykonos, Greece on 5th and 6th of June in Saint John Hotel will present an interesting scientific program with new techniques and highlights regarding Lasers in Aesthetic Surgery.
In order to organize a successful meeting and define the main scientific topics we will need your active participation. Your personal experience and your knowledge will help us to accomplish our goals regarding laser technologies in the various fields of Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine.
ESLAS has been organising successful meetings for the past 13 years and our aim is that the 14th Annual Congress will follow this strong tradition.
So seize the opportunity and participate in the 14th ESLAS congress. Mykonos is a great venue and will generously offer the best location for excellent and expert medisoscientific content, a diverse and entertaining social programme, and a excellent opportunity to meet new friends and cement old friendships, all in a friendly atmosphere.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Mykonos!
Join us to this important meeting.
Paraskevas Kontoes
MD – PhD
Plastic Surgeon
ESLAS President
President of the Congress
Laser Biophysics
Laser Safety
Patient administration and patient selection for laser treatments
Lasers in Aesthetic Surgery
Lasers in Epilation, vascular and pigmented lesions
Lasers in combination with conventional Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Adjuvant techniques in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Lasers in Dermatology
Lasers in combination with injectables
How to avoid and treat complications in Laser applications
What is new in Lasers
New technologies and laser treatments
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Low Level Laser Treatments in Aesthetic Surgery
How to built and integrate a laser practice |
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
2nd Summer School of Pediatric Dermatology (2011) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2011.06.03. | Rendezvény vége: 2011.06.06. |
Tudományos információ: Prof. Nicholaos Stavrianeas |
Munkahely neve: European Society of Pediatric Dermatology & the Hellenic Society of Pediatric Dermatology |
E-mail: info@espdsummerschool2011.org |
Helyszín: Greece / Görögország, Aegean Sea Cruise, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.espdsummerschool2011.org |
Dear Sirs,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to the 2nd Summer School of Pediatric Dermatology, which will take place in Greece, during a three-day cruise round the Aegean Sea, from June 3rd to June 6th, 2011 and is organized by the European Society of Pediatric Dermatology and the Hellenic Society of Pediatric Dermatology.
Congress President: Prof. Nicholaos Stavrianeas
Congress General Secretary: Dr. Talia Kakourou, MD
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2011
Early Registration Deadline: March 31, 2011
Official Language of the Congress: English