Magyar Hypertonia Társaság |
Szimpózium - „A D-vitamin anyagcsere a kardiovaszkuláris megelőzésben” címmel |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2009.09.25. | Rendezvény vége: 2009.09.25. |
Helyszín: 1133 Budapest, Kárpát u. 62-64., Danubius Health Spa Resort Helia |
A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága Metabolizmus Munkacsoportja, az Egészséges Szívért Alapítvánnyal közösen tudományos szimpóziumot szervez „A D-vitamin anyagcsere a kardiovaszkuláris megelőzésben” címmel.
Tudományos program: Takács István: A D-vitamin biológiája és sceletális hatásaiHalmy László: Az elhízás és a D-vitaminZajkás Gábor: A magyar lakosság D-vitamin ellátottságaLugasi Andrea: A vitamin túladagolás veszélyeiCsászár Albert: A D-vitaminhiány kardiovaszkuláris rizikófaktor
A szimpózium pontszerző, utólagos akkreditációval (írásbeli tesztvizsgával).
Részvételi szándékát kérjük Pálfy Zsuzsannánál jelezze a 06 (1) 2360 565-ös telefonszámon 2009. szeptember 22-ig.
Letölthetők további részletek a "Kapcsolódó dokumentumok" alól. |
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság |
A Magyar Gyógytornászok Társasága VII. Kongresszusa |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2009.09.24. | Rendezvény vége: 2009.09.26. |
Szakterület(ek): Ortopédia, Rehabilitáció, Traumatológia, Foglalkozás-egészségügy, Kardiológia, Reumatológia, Sebészet, Sportorvoslás, Szülészet-nőgyógyászat |
Tudományos információ: Dr. Tringer Lászlóné |
Címe: Magyarország Budapest Pf 72. 1277 |
Tel: 1/411-12-08 |
Fax: - |
E-mail: physioth@t-online.hu |
Szervező: Mészáros Gábor |
Munkahely neve: Congress & Hobby Service Kft. |
Címe: 6725 Szeged, Boldogasszony sgt. 53. |
Tel: (62) 484-531 |
Fax: (62) 450-014 |
E-mail: info@prof-congress.hu |
Helyszín: 8230 Balatonfüred, Horváth Mihály u. |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://prof-congress.hu/2009/mgyt7 |
A konferenciával kapcsolatos minden információ (bejelentkezési lehetőséggel) a rendezvény honlapján megtalálható. |
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság |
16th Congress of the International Musculoskeletal Laser Society |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2009.09.23. | Rendezvény vége: 2009.09.26. |
Helyszín: 1021 Budapest, Pálos utca 2., Europa Hotels & Congress Center |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://imlas2009.org/ |
Programme Objectives
Bringing together advanced technologies (biophotonics and emerging energy applications), cutting edge clinical experience in musculoskeletal (orthopaedic, spinal and vascular) therapies and surgical robotics. Exploring the ways and means of alleviating pain, regenerating mobility and restoring patient functionality throughout the musculoskeletal system by utilising advanced technologies and minimalist techniques.
Programme Topics
» Developments in laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound and new energy therapies
» Developments in biophotonics, clinical endoscopy and spectroscopy
» Musculoskeletal pathology and degeneration
» Patient diagnosis and selection
» State of the art minimally invasive techniques in musculoskeletal
(orthopaedic, vascular and spinal etc)surgery and outcomes
» Minimally invasive implant technology and clinical outcomes
» Novel materials and devices and their assessment
» Development and application of surgical robotics
Go to homepage >> |
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
World Vitiligo Day-USA Virtual Event 2020 |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2020.06.27. | Rendezvény vége: 2020.06.27. |
Címe: 1932 S. Halsted St., Suite 413
Chicago, IL 60608
wvdusa.org |
Helyszín: online, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://globalvitiligofoundation.org/wvd-usa-virtual-event/ |
FREE REGISTRATION! **While the event is free, we do require you to register for the event.
All people with an interest in Vitiligo are welcome.
We will see you on Saturday, June 27, 2020!
Motivational Speaker
James Mcleod (That Vitiligo Guy) is a force of positivity, dedicated to shaping bodies and minds through self-love and inclusivity. He shares his story as a motivational speaker, social influencer, personal trainer, and author.
Event Host
Tiffanie Foster dedicates her life to empowering youth through affirmations of self-love. Her message is simple: “I Am Great” - declaring that no matter what life obstacles may come your way, you are destined for greatness. |
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
Nephro Update Europe 2020 - 4th European Update Congress in Nephrology (The Hague, 18 – 19 September 2020) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2020.06.16. | Rendezvény vége: 2020.06.16. |
Helyszín: The Netherlands, Hague, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://nephro-update-europe.eu/ |
Earlybird registration: until 30 June 2020
Website: https://nephro-update-europe.eu/
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 4th Nephro Update Europe taking place on 18 – 19 September in The Hague...just a 40-minute drive from Amsterdam‘s International Airport.
With 13 highly-reputable and experienced experts across the field, we are thrilled to offer you again relevant and top-quality medical education for nephrologists … in our opinion.
We have created a cutting-edge program for you to get up-to-date on the most significant and practical, current developments in nephrology. Over 2 days, specialists will engage with you and summarize the latest
international, peer-reviewed journal results, with all presentations for you to download and take home.
Videos-on-demand will also be available after the event on http://www.streamed-up.com – register for free!
Submit an Abstract and pay only 250 €! ePosters will be displayed throughout the event, and prizes worth over 500 € will be given out on Saturday! Young nephrologists (35 yrs & younger) pay only 250 €!
This event will take place either as a live event or virtual online event – depending on event restrictions in September. Please note: on-site tickets will be changed to livestream tickets, or cancellations will be allowed at no cost.
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
AAD VMX 2020 Virtual Meeting Experience |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2020.06.12. | Rendezvény vége: 2020.06.14. |
Helyszín: online, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.aad.org/member/meetings-education/aadvmx |
Join us Friday, June 12 - Sunday, June 14 for a dynamic educational experience and the opportunity to connect with your colleagues in a virtual setting.
Earn over 27.75 AMA PRA CME Credit™ for participating!
AAD VMX will include 14 robust sessions covering topics such as therapeutics, cosmetics, psoriasis, hair disorders, and more – plus 4 late breaking research sessions. Be sure to attend our live Q&A’s with expert faculty to gain even more insight into these topics.
Stop by the virtual exhibit hall to chat with our exhibitors and sponsors and view over 900 ePosters. Earn badges by completing various activities throughout VMX for a chance to win prizes.
3-day live event with on-demand access through 2020
The event will feature live Q/As with presenters, networking, and exhibits on the following dates and times:
Friday, June 12: 2 pm CT – 5 pm CT
Saturday, June 13: 9 am CT – 5 pm CT
Sunday, June 14: 9 am CT – 1 pm CT
Can’t make it for the whole weekend? Don’t worry, all content will be available until Dec. 31, 2020. |
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
ESPD 2020, Bécs ELHALASZTVA 2021. május 12-14-re |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2020.06.11. | Rendezvény vége: 2020.06.13. |
Helyszín: Austria, Vienna, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.espd.info/espd2021 |
20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD)
Important dates:
1 April 2020 Early Registration Deadline
1 June 2020 Late Registration Deadline
2 June 2020 Onsite Registration Applies
10 May 2020 Hotel Accommodation Deadline
Dear colleagues,
on behalf of the ESPD and the Austrian Working Group of Pediatric Dermatology associated with the Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venerology (OEGDV) it is a great pleasure for us to welcome you as the Meeting Presidents of the 20 th ESPD Annual Meeting, which will be held on the 11-13 th of June 2020 in Vienna, Austria.
The excellent scientific programme with emphasis on recent advances in the field of pediatric dermatology is addressed to dermatologists, pediatricians as well as general practitioners. Chairs and speakers are international well known experts in the field. The programme is organized in two parallel sections and has seven Plenary Lectures, in honour to famous masters of pediatric dermatology in Europe and one dedicated to the recently founded joint collaboration between ESPD and ESDR. Opportunities for presentation at this meeting are available to all participants. Selected papers can be presented as adjunct to parallel sessions, and posters at lunchtime and during breaks. Prices will be given to best posters and oral presentations. Young and rising stars will have the opportunity to present late-breaking news and we will also honour our teachers in pediatric dermatology. Please take a look at the programme section of this website for further details.
Vienna is located in the heart of Europe and well known for its numerous historical tourist attractions. The meeting will take place in the HOFBURG Convention Center, which fulfills the high standards of a modern convention site. It is part of the former imperial palace, which hosts also several museums. The Stephansdom, the State Opera House, the National Library and other sights are in walking distance. A welcome reception will take place on the first evening in the conference center, to which all delegates are cordially invited.
Please take care of the deadlines for abstract submission and registration.
We look forward to welcome you in Vienna!
Beatrix Volc-Platzer and Matthias Schmuth
20th ESPD Annual Meeting Presidents |