Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete |
EULAR Teach the Teachers Workshop |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2005.04.06. | Rendezvény vége: 2005.04.10. |
Helyszín: Vidago Palace Hotel, Portugal |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.eular.org |
EULAR is proud to announce the organization of this workshop devoted to the discussion and exchange of best practice in curriculum design, teaching and assessment methods for musculo-skeletal diseases in undergraduate medical courses. The meeting, especially dedicated to professors and trainers, is designed to guarantee an intensive interactive format in a charming venue and is limited to a maximum of 60 delegates.
For more information on the programme, venue, registration fees and transportation visit the EULAR website
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság |
Modern Trends in Orthopaedics and Traumatology |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2005.03.31. | Rendezvény vége: 2005.04.01. |
Szakterület(ek): Ortopédia |
Munkahely neve: Kofron Production and Consulting s.r.o. |
Címe: Mariánské nám. 6.
669 02 Znojmo
Czech Republic |
Tel: +420-515-505-404 |
Fax: +420-515-505-303 |
E-mail: info@kongresznojmo.com |
Helyszín: Znojmo, Czech Republic |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.kongresznojmo.com |
Scientific program: 1. Computer assisted orthopaedic surgery; 2. Minimally invasive techniques; 3. New trends - free papers.
Nyelv: angol, cseh |