Magyar Radiológusok Társasága |
MRT Mellkasi Munkacsoport 8. ülése - TRT Területi Radiológus Továbbképzés: Zala-Baranya-Somogy |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2007.02.17. | Rendezvény vége: 2007.02.17. |
Tudományos információ: Dr. Battyáni István, Dr. Mester Ádám |
Címe: |
Tel: 06 20 825 8809 |
Helyszín: Zala Megyei Kórház |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.oftex.hu |
10:00 Képalkotó diagnosztikus algoritmusok. Nagy Gyöngyi dr. 10:30 A tüdőparenchyma hagyományos vizsgálatának új eljárásai. Kristóf Mária dr. 11:00 A mediastinum vizsgálat képalkotó módszerei. Grexa Erzsébet dr. 11:30 Tüdődaganat staging keresztmetszeti képalkotókkal. Monostori Zsuzsa dr. 12:00 Restriktív tüdőbetegségek. Juhász Erzsébet dr. 12:30 Obstruktív tüdőbetegségek. Mester Ádám dr. 13:00 Kardiológiai MRI vizsgálatok. Simor Tamás dr. 13:30 Mellkasi intervenciók. Battyáni István dr. 14:00 Mellkasi gyermekradiológia. Mohay Gabriella dr. 14:30 Tesztvizsga |
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
5. International meeting on HUS & related disorders (Innsbruck-Igls, 2015.07.12-14.) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2015.07.12. | Rendezvény vége: 2015.07.14. |
Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia |
Helyszín: Austria, Innsbruck-Igls, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.hus-online.at |
5. International meeting on "HUS & related disorders" will be held in Innsbruck-Igls, July 12-14, 2015.
Topics: At this meeting we would like to discuss with international colleagues the different facettes (genetics, pathophysiology, diagnostics, clinical courses, therapies) of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). In 2011 the typical HUS got quite some attention due to the EHEC O104:H4 outbreak in Northern Germany. However, other forms of HUS share similar features which will be discussed at this meeting. Eleven European experts have accepted our invitation to present their data and conclusions, plus eight from overseas (US, CA, IN, JP).
Registration & abstracts: You are invited to attend and register and submit an abstract for a short oral presentation or a poster via our homepage: http://www.hus-online.at
Deadline: 1 June 2015.
The meeting covers both basic research and clinical aspects and we will have a session covering the three most interesting clinical cases - please also submit these via the abstract submission site at http://www.hus-online.at
Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
2nd European Congress for Social Psychiatry |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2015.07.01. | Rendezvény vége: 2014.07.03. |
Szakterület(ek): Pszichiátria, mentálhigiéné |
Helyszín: Switzerland, Geneva, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.ecspsocialpsychiatry.org/ |
Welcome !
Dear Colleagues,
The Swiss Society for Social Psychiatry (SSPS-SGSP) is greatly honored to invite you to attend and participate in the 2nd European Congress for Social Psychiatry co-sponsored by the World Association for Social Psychiatry (WASP) which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from July 1st to July 3rd 2015.
Following the success of the 1st European Congress for Social Psychiatry in 2012, we received a big amount of positive feedbacks and demands for a second edition.
We are then pleased to announce you that the 2nd European Congress for Social Psychiatry will take place in Geneva from July 1st to July 3rd 2015.
Mark It On Your Calendar !
We hope to meet you there once again. Your attendance is the key for a successful congress!
With best regards,
Yasser Khazaal & François Ferrero, Chairmen Organizing Committee
Important dates:
Abstract submission starts
1 October 2014
Abstract submission deadline
15 March 2015
Late poster submission deadline
15 May 2015
Early registration
15 November 2014 to 15 April 2015
Standard registration
16 April to 15 June 2015
Late & On-site registration
From 16 June 2015