Magyar Diabetes Társaság |
Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága és a Magyar Diabetes Társaság Gyermekdiabetes Szekciójának Tudományos Ülése |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2006.09.22. | Rendezvény vége: 2006.09.23. |
Szervező: Veres Emese, Tihanyi Emese |
Munkahely neve: MIS & BOS Kft. |
Címe: 1149 Budapest, Pillangó park 12/d. |
Fax: (1)223-2554 |
E-mail: misandbos@t-online.hu |
Helyszín: Gyula, Román kulturális Centrum |
Téma: gyermekdiabetológia
Tudományos információ:
Dr. H. Nagy Katalin
Pándy Kálmán Megyei Kórház, Gyermekosztály
5700 Gyula, Kárpát u. 11.
Tel/Fax: 66-463-633
Veres Emese, Tihanyi Barbara
Mis&Bos Rendezvényszervező Kft.
1149 Budapest, Pillangó park 12/d.
Tel/Fax: 223-2554
E-mail: misandbos@t-online.hu |
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
Upgrading Course on Aesthetic Medicine |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.11.29. | Rendezvény vége: 2012.11.30. |
Szervező: Dror Alon |
E-mail: dror@omni-present.co.il |
Helyszín: Izrael, Tel Aviv, |
Dr. Monica Elman, a well-known dermatologist, laser and IPL specialist in Israel will conduct a unique international Aesthetic Course that will be held in Israel on November 29-30, 2012.
The course targets physicians interested in enhancing their practical skills in Aesthetic Medicine.
During the course participants will be practicing innovative Aesthetic procedures with "hands on" human cadavers, and, in part, on live candidates.
The course will be conducted by Dr. M. Elman together with international specialists in the field.
Dr. M. Elman is the coauthor of the Dermatology book "Aesthetic Applications of Intense Pulsed Light", studied in USA medical schools. Her Aesthetic state of the art offices were chosen by the FDA regulatory offices to serve as a control |
Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference on Intersectional Collaboration: “The Multidisciplinary Facets of Psychiatry” |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.11.29. | Rendezvény vége: 2012.12.02. |
Szakterület(ek): Pszichiátria, mentálhigiéné |
Helyszín: Greece, Athens, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.psych-relatedsciences.org |
World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference on Intersectional
Collaboration: “The Multidisciplinary Facets of Psychiatry” The First Athens Congress on 'Psychiatry and Related Sciences' 4th European Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric Association
Organizer: Hellenic Society for the Advancement of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
1) International Neuropsychiatric Association
2) World Federation of Society of Biological Psychiatry
Contact: Prof. Constantin R. Soldatos / Ms. Penelopi Mitroyanni
Email: info@psych-relatedsciences.org |
Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
Body and Art – the Image of Hysteria in the 21st Century |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.11.22. | Rendezvény vége: 2012.11.23. |
Szakterület(ek): Pszichiátria, mentálhigiéné |
Helyszín: Austria, Vienna, |
Collaboration: 1) Vienna Art Week
2) Institut français,
3) Sigmund Freud Privatstiftung
4) Groupe de Recherches Pandora et CRPMS (Centre de
Recherches Psychanalyse, Médecine et Société, Université Paris-Diderot)
5) World Psychiatric Association Section on Art and Psychiatry
Organizer: WPA Section on Art and Psychiatry
Contact: Dr. Hans-Otto Thomashoff () |
Magyar Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Társaság |
International Symposium on PCOS, Belgrade, 16-17 November 2012 |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.11.16. | Rendezvény vége: 2012.11.17. |
Szakterület(ek): Endokrinológia, anyagcsere betegségek |
Helyszín: Serbia, Belgrade, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.pcos-belgrade2012.com/ |
Dear colleague,
It is our great pleasure to announce the International Symposium on Advances in PCOS to be held from 16-17 November 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia.
On behalf of the Endocrine Section of the Serbian Medical Society, the Endocrine Society of the Slovenian Medical Association, and the Serbian Society for Reproductive Endocrinology, we cordially invite you to attend this meeting that has the intention to encourage basic and clinical interest in polycystic ovary syndrome – the most prevalent endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. The Symposium is oriented towards endocrinologists, gynecologists, young trainees, biologists and other physicians and researchers who are interested in advancing and updating their knowledge in the field of reproductive endocrinology. Lectures will be given by distinguished European endocrinologists, gynecologists, and basic scientists. You are cordially invited to actively participate in the Free communication sessions, in Young investigators round table or in a Poster session.
Symposium will be held in the historic city of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Apart of the promising programme of the Symposium you will experience the traditional hospitality and the charm of Belgrade.
The venue of the PCOS Symposium will be the Hyatt Regency Belgrade Hotel that offers comfortable accommodation, restaurants, flexible space for lectures, posters and exhibitions, as well as wellness centre and a swimming-pool.
We hope that you will join us for this leading Symposium on PCOS.
Looking forward to seeing you in Belgrade.
Abstract deadline: 15 September 2012 |