Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat Szakdolgozói Munkacsoportja |
Magyar Sebkezelő Társaság XXVI. Kongresszusa (Budapest, 2024.10.17-18.) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.17. | Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.18. |
Helyszín: 1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 35., Hotel Benczúr |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.etalon95.hu/mskt/kongresszus/index.html |
Online előadás-bejelentés: http://www.etalon95.hu/mskt/kongresszus/eloadas-bejelentes.html
Szervező Bizottság: Dr. Farkas Péter, Hanga Péter, Prof. Dr. Hunyadi János, Prof. Dr. Juhász István, Dr. Kovács L. András, Dr. Sugár István
Ebben az évben fő témákat nem adunk meg. Az előadást tartó szakdolgozók részvétele ingyenes.
Magyar Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Társaság |
2nd ESE Postgraduate Course in Clinical Endocrinology |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2006.10.12. | Rendezvény vége: 2006.10.14. |
Tudományos információ: Prof. Ivica Lazúrová, MD, PhD |
Munkahely neve: 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty, University Košice |
Címe: Trieda SNP 1, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia |
Tel: Phone: +421 55 640 3516, cellular phone: +421 903 |
E-mail: lazurova@central.medic.upjs.sk |
Szervező: Izabela ŽUPČANOVÁ |
Munkahely neve: PROGRESS CA s.r.o. |
Címe: Krivá 18, 040 01 KOŠICE |
Tel: Tel.: +421 55 6806 261, +421 55 6806 156 |
Fax: +421 55 6806 156 |
E-mail: progressca@dodo.sk |
Helyszín: Kassa, Szlovákia |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://kongresy.azimut.sk/ese/ |
On behalf of the organizing committee we invite you to the 2nd ESE Postgraduate Course in Clinical Endocrinology which will be held in Kosice, Slovakia in October 2006. |
Magyar Osteológiai és Osteoarthrológiai Társaság |
The Bone and the Kidney |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2006.10.12. | Rendezvény vége: 2006.10.15. |
Helyszín: Copenhagen, Denmark |
Abstract Submission Closes: June 16, 2006
To present, discuss and debate both the latest basic and clinical findings as well as the current challenges involving bone and kidney, join us this coming Fall in Copenhagen. The International Society of Nephrology’s Bone and the Kidney Nexus Symposium, October 12-15, 2006 represents an exciting opportunity to join research to practice and the ideal forum to ultimately propose new avenues for research at the laboratory level as well as improve diagnosis, patient management and care.
Sessions and Scope
Plenary Lectures
The symposium’s choice of plenary lecture speakers and topics reflects the breadth of cross-disciplinary knowledge on hand
New challenges in calcium and phosphate metabolism Physiology of renal and intestinal divalent ion transport
Keith Hruska, USA
René Bindels, The Netherlands
Novel aspects of genetic diseases of bone and kidney Bone-kidney axis and vascular calcification Stem cells, PTH and bone
Rajesh V Thakker, UK
Catherine M. Shanahan, UK
Paolo Bianco, Italy
The Bone and Kidney’s basic science sessions will be grouped according to there themes: Transporters (structure-function interactions, proteins); Receptors and cellular mechanism of regulation; and Phosphatonins.
The clinical sessions will focus on Genetic diseases of bone and kidney; Osteoporosis and renal osteodystrophy; and the Relationship between bone/mineral metabolism disturbances and cardiovascular disease in CKD and management.
Finally, the special translational sessions will cover: Urinary infection & nephrolithiasis; Molecular aspects of mineral metabolism diseases; and Pediatric renal osteodystrophy: unique challenges in the growing skeleton.
Don’t miss three and a half days of insightful scientific discourse and debated in the picturesque city of Copenhagen. Reserve your place today for The Bone and the Kidney by visiting: www.isn-online.org/nexus/bonekidney