Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága Elhalasztva! Új időpont hamarosan! Szintentartó neonatológiai tanfolyam
Rendezvény kezdete: 2020.03.30.Rendezvény vége: 2020.04.03. Helyszín: Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetem Gyermekklinika Kedves Határon Túli Magyar Gyermekorvosok, Szakorvosjelöltek, Rezidensek és Egészségügyi Szakemberek!
A Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága és a Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt. támogatása révén lehetőség nyílt arra, hogy határon túli magyar szakemberek részt vegyenek a Debreceni Egyetem Gyermekklinikáján 2020. március 30. és április 3. között szervezett szintentartó neonatológiai tanfolyamon. A továbbképzés költségeit, beleértve a szállást és étkezést is teljes egészében biztosítani tudjuk. Az utazást kérjük, hogy mindenki maga szervezze és finanszírozza.
A szakorvosjelölteket, fiatal szakorvosokat külön biztatjuk a jelentkezésre. Kérjük, hogy jelentkezéseiket 2020. március 02-ig küldjék el a mellékelt pályázati adatlapot kitöltve a e-mail címre.
Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága
Pályázati adatlap
A tanfolyam programja
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság C-Hep Congress Berlin 2014
Rendezvény kezdete: 2014.05.01.Rendezvény vége: 2014.05.03. E-mail: Helyszín: Germany / Németország, Berlin, A rendezvény Web oldala: 3rd World Congress on Controversies in the Management of Viral Hepatitis (C-Hep)
Early registration fees until February 1, 2014
Abstract submission:
Young Investigators Poster Submission
We are delighted to announce a special opportunity for young investigators. The C-Hep Young Investigator Poster Exhibition will be held during the third C-Hep Congress on May 1-3, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. Successful poster presenters will be provided with a poster board at the Congress and their poster abstract text will be published on the Congress website.
An award will be granted to the winning author. Posters will be evaluated by the C-Hep Awards Committee. First prize will receive 500 Euros and the two runners-up will receive free registration to the 2015 C-Hep conference.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Following the success of the 1st and 2nd World Congress on Controversies in the Management of Viral Hepatitis (C-Hep), we are very pleased to invite you to participate in the 3rd C-Hep Congress which will be held in Berlin, Germany on May1-3, 2014.
The large attendance and enthusiastic feedback from the 1st Congress and in particular the 2nd Congress held in Berlin this October ,illustrated the need for this unique meeting completely focusing on the needs of the busy clinician caring for HCV and HBV infected patients.
The C-Hep Congress attempts to summarize all the key new data recently presented – and how it might be implemented in routine care of Hepatitis B and C patients. Overviews, state of the art lectures and controversial debates with the outstanding faculty of the top world leaders presenting both pro and con positions challenge and explore the optimal treatment for patients, with emphasis on the appropriate use of new and emerging drugs.
This educational Congress focuses on clinical practices in Viral Hepatitis and benefits not only Hepatologists and Infectious Diseases specialist, but also general practitioners, internists and primary care physicians with a desire to gain knowledge on these exciting advances.
The format includes a significant allocation of time for interactive debates and questions from the audience to each panel of experts. Participants are encouraged to take an active role in the discussions with faculty members which follow each debate, in a unique and open environment. The date of May 2014 has been carefully chosen to allow inclusion of data presented at all the major meetings throughout the coming year.
We look forward to welcoming you at the 3rd C-Hep Congress in the lovely city of Berlin.
Jürgen Rockstroh MD
Jonathan M. Schapiro MD
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat European Workshop on Skin immune mediated inflammatory diseases (SIMID)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2014.04.24.Rendezvény vége: 2014.04.26. Szakterület(ek): Bőrgyógyászat
Helyszín: Italy, Verona, A rendezvény Web oldala: Topics:
1. Lupus erythematosus
2. Scleroderma
3. Sclerodermoid disorders
4. Vasculitis syndromes
5. Occlusive vasculopathies
6. Autoinflammatory syndromes
7. Syndromes from innate immunity
dysregulation (eg, hidradenitis suppurativa,
pustular psoriasis)
8. Neutrophilic dermatoses
9. Psoriasis
10. Cardio-metabolic risk of chronic
11. Common pathways in organ-specific
inflammatory disorders
12. Atopic dermatitis
13. Chronic itch
14. Febrile dermatoses
15. Psoriatic arthrithis
16. Autoimmune bullous diseases
17. Eosinophilic dermatoses
18. Drug reactions
19. Stratified medicine
Organizing Secretariat:
Ecliptica srl
Via Aldo Moro, 22 - 25124 Brescia, Italy
Phone +39 030 2452818 - Fax +39 030 2452826 - e-mail:
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság 'Reviewers to-be' Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation kurzus (Leiden, Hollandia, 2014.04.23-24.)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2014.04.23.Rendezvény vége: 2014.04.24. Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia, Transzplantációs medicina
Helyszín: Hollandia, Leiden, Az alábbiakban a kurzus angol nyelvű meghívóját olvashatják.
A jelentkezés határideje: 2014.03.16.
"The NDT course for “reviewers to-be” will consist of 2 half days. Its main goals are to teach future or junior reviewers for Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation how to be a good reviewer and provide them with the tools to critically appraise manuscripts on clinical research subjects. To achieve these goals, the first half day will focus on research methodology, interpretation of study results and academic writing. The second half day is fully devoted to practical training: the course attendants will critically appraise two papers themselves and participate in a lively discussion using appraisal questions and checklists available to this purpose.
A one-night hotel stay will approximately cost 110 euro. We expect from participants that they will do some homework preceding the course.
To apply for this course, they may send an e-mail to .
Participants will then receive further instructions on the registration procedure. The deadline for applications is March 16, 2013. "