A Csont-Ízületi Betegségek Korai Felismeréséért Alapítvány |
ESMRMB School of MRI Advanced Course |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2003.10.23. | Rendezvény vége: 2003.10.25. |
E-mail: office@esmrmb.org |
Helyszín: Antwerpen, Belgium |
The Advanced Course is an intense teaching course deepening all aspects discussed during the Basic Course and adding all new and fast imaging techniques, which were integrated into daily business during the last years. So a profound understanding of k-space, fast and ultrafast imaging techniques, diffusion, perfusion and MR angiography are the key focus of the course programme. Participants will not only learn the mechanisms of such imaging strategies but also understand the impact of their parameters on contrast and image quality. Learning effects are intensified by systematic recapitulation of all learning objectives in small groups together with didactically experienced experts. While lectures range from basic principles to imaging results, repetition cycles will start from images and interpret them back to basic principles. Knowledge of the basic principles of MRI is mandatory to follow the course. Thus participants should have familiarised themselves with these principles either in a Basic Course of the ESMRMB or from other sources. Participants having daily experience in MR imaging of at least 6 months will benefit most from the Advance Course. If you wish to broaden and deepen your knowledge in the field of advanced MR techniques, the ESMRMB will be happy to welcome you to the Applied MR Techniques Advanced Course in Antwerp. |