A Csont-Ízületi Betegségek Korai Felismeréséért Alapítvány |
ESMRMB School of MRI Clinical Course |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2003.09.25. | Rendezvény vége: 2003.09.27. |
E-mail: office@esmrmb.org |
Helyszín: Tübingen, Germany |
Clinical Proton MR Spectroscopy
Localised magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is an important supplement to magnetic resonance imaging for medical diagnosis in a variety of diseases. MRS offers unique biochemical information from various organs and tissues and is thus increasingly applied to improve tissue characterisation in normal and pathological states. While the examination of other nuclei is also possible, the most prominent clinical applications lie in the field of proton MRS: So the course will cover the physical principles, measurement techniques, and the quantification methods of proton MRS. Clinical applications and specific considerations in distinct pathologies will be discussed. Practical demonstrations and examinations at the available 1.5 T and 3 T systems at the University Hospital Tübingen are included. |