Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
1st International Conference on Creative Psychopharmacotherapy & 14th CENP & 6th Croatian Congress of Psychopharmacotheraphy |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.09.25. | Rendezvény vége: 2013.09.28. |
Szakterület(ek): Pszichiátria, mentálhigiéné |
Helyszín: Croatia, Dubrovnik, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.iccp2013.com |
Dear colleagues,
You are cordially invited to the 6th Croatian Congress of Psychopharmacotherapy organized by the Croatian Society for Psychopharmacotherapy and Biological Psychiatry of the Croatian Medical Association and Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences which will take place from 25-28 September 2013 in Dubrovnik.
Abstract submission till 01.05.2013.
Early registration 30.04.2013.
Futher information can be found on the website and here. |
Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
Spanish Society of Psychiatry National Meeting - With the theme:From classifications to the person |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.09.24. | Rendezvény vége: 2013.09.27. |
Szakterület(ek): Pszichiátria, mentálhigiéné |
Helyszín: Spain, Seville, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.psiquiatriasevilla2013.org |
ORGANIZERS: Spanish Society of Psychiatry
1) Spanish Biological Psychiatric Association
2) Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health
CONTACT: Dr Jose Giner
E-MAIL: jginer@us.es; pepeginer@gmail.com