Magyar Radiológusok Társasága |
XVI. Lélek Imre Emlékülést és Továbbképző Konferencia |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.05.09. | Rendezvény vége: 2024.05.11. |
Helyszín: Zalakaros, Park Inn by Radisson |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.lelekimre.hu |
Kedves Kollégák! 2024. május 9-11. között Lélek Imre Emlékülés és Továbbképző Konferencia Zalakaroson, regisztráció még korlátozottan elérhető szállás lehetőséggel április 15-ig! A végleges program a konferencia weboldalán: www.lelekimre.hu program menüben. Fő témák: a vállízület képalkotása, az IBD és rectum tumorok diagnosztikája, kapcsolódó gyermek radiológia, szombaton pedig az MRT UH Szekció „Tips and Tricks” előadás sorozatával folytatódik a miskolci kongresszus gyakorlati ultrahang képzése. A csütörtöki és pénteki kurzusok multidiszciplináris szemléletét meghívott belgyógyász és sebész kollégák biztosítják, emellett UH gyakorlat és interaktív esetmegbeszélések színesítik a programot. A konferencia orvosok számára 50, szakdolgozóknak 25 ponttal akkreditált. Várunk szeretettel minden érdeklődőt! Somogyi Rita a Konferencia elnöke
Magyar Belgyógyász Társaság |
MIRCIM 2024 - 9th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.05.09. | Rendezvény vége: 2024.05.11. |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.mircim.eu/bcrc/v4-bcrc-2024 |
2024. május 9-11. között Krakkóban kerül megrendezésre a 9. McMaster International Review Course, amelynek keretein belül tartják meg a „V4 Best Case Report Constest 2024” esetbemutató versenyt is. A megmérettetésen, a Visegrádi Négyek másik 3 tagállamához (Lengyelország, Csehország, Szlovákia) hasonlóan, hazánkból is 10, 35 év alatti, a 49. MBT Nagygyűlésen díjazásban részesült fiatal belgyógyász mutathatja be esettanulmányát.
A kongresszus honlapja az alábbi linken érhető el: http://www.mircim.eu/bcrc/v4-bcrc-2024 |
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
2nd International Conference on Prehypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.01.31. | Rendezvény vége: 2013.02.03. |
Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia |
Helyszín: Spain, Barcelona, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.prehypertension.org |
The Conference will aim to deal with all aspects related to early diagnosis, including innovative technologies and treatments, as well as bringing together professionals from the fields of Hypertension, Diabetes, Lipidology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, Pharmacology and more. |
Magyar Diabetes Társaság |
The 2nd International Conference on Prehypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.01.31. | Rendezvény vége: 2013.02.03. |
Szakterület(ek): Belgyógyászat |
Munkahely neve: Paragon Conventions |
Tel: +41 22 533 0948 |
Fax: +41 22 580 2953 |
E-mail: secretariat@prehypertension.org |
Helyszín: Spanyolország, 08028 Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 661-671, Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I - Business & City Resort |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.prehypertension.org/ |
List of Topics
• Metabolic Syndrome and Vitamin D
• Prediabetes - Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Management
• Pre Levels of CV Risk Factors - Boosting Risk of Events and Deciding Who Should be Treated
• Benefits of Achieving Optimal Risk Factors Level - When, How and with What?
• Prehypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in Different Populations - Epidemiologic Aspects
• Total Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation and Management
• Arterial Properties, Evaluation and Treatment in Metabolic Syndrome
• Cardiac Markers of Preclinical Disease in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
• Effect of Pre Disease Risk Factors in Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome on Morbidity and Mortality
• Which Elderly Patients with Pre Disease should be Considered for Medical Treatment
• Children and Adolescents: Prehypertension and Metabolic Syndrome, Progression of Risk and Diagnosis of Disease
• The Heart, the Brain and the Kidney in Pre Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome
• Addressing the Global CV Risk Factors in Pre Disease and in Disease
• Arterial Properties, Central Blood Pressure and Augmentation Index in Pre Disease and Disease in Patients with Cardiometabolic Syndrome
• Prehypertension, Hypertension and Renal Denervation
• Prehypertension, Pre Diabetes and Dyslipidemia - Estimation of Risk and Therapeutic Approach
Important DatesDeadline for submission of abstracts: September 13, 2012
Deadline for early bird registration: October 15, 2012
Deadline for pre-conference registration: January 22, 2013 |
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat |
1st European School of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.01.17. | Rendezvény vége: 2013.01.19. |
Szakterület(ek): Bőrgyógyászat |
Helyszín: Germany, 10117 Berlin, NH Berlin Friedrichstrasse, NH Berlin Friedrichstrasse |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.dermato-oncology2013.com/ |
The EADO initiates a course dedicated to fundamentals in skin cancer targeted to specialists and residents in the final phase of their resident program. They will benefit a comprehensive and updated course to improve their decision-making process for the management of all types and stages of skin cancer, from diagnosis, primary treatment and adjuvant treatment, to the management of loco-regional disease and distant metastatic disease. It is intended to organize this course every year in different countries.
Target Audience
This 2,5-day educational course targets doctors who are actively involved in the treatment of skin cancer. Dermatologists or other specialists who have completed specialist training, or residents in the final year of their training program, are likely to gain the most from this course.
The maximum number of delegates is 100. In order to make the course available throughout Europe, places will be made available on a first come first served basis to all applicants.
Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság |
15th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.12.06. | Rendezvény vége: 2012.12.08. |
Helyszín: Netherlands, Amsterdam, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.essm-congress.org/ |
In 2012 the slogan is “ESSM family goes Amsterdam” to celebrate its 15th annual congress from 6 to 8 December 2012 to update you and the whole medical world on the latest and most fascinating findings and achievements in Sexual Medicine. The leading experts of the world in Sexual Medicine will share with you how recent findings in preclinical research may translate into clinical applications and how clinical findings will finally support and enrich your daily medical practice for the benefit of the million sufferers from any kind of sexual problems.
With the long-standing tradition of ESSM one priority of the annual congress is the educational program aiming at training young colleagues in basic knowledge of Sexual Medicine and to intensify the knowledge of advanced colleagues in special topics of interest conveyed by special instructional courses.
Be assured that we, the ESSM community, is keen as always to organize a congress program of highest attractiveness and inspiration which should find the recognition and approval of everybody interested and working in the field of Sexual Medicine.
Besides an attractive scientific congress program there is no better place in the world than Amsterdam, an open-minded multicultural hot spot on this globe, predestined to entertain "exhausted" attendees in the congress off-times with a variety of attractions.
Amsterdam is one of the most enchanting cities to be in at this time of the year. With all its sparkling lights, craft-making markets, full cosy cafes, unique shops, and “oliebollen” (the incredible fried dough balls) stands. Even the Red Light District has Christmas lights of its own (not just red ones!) and seems to never shut down.
Don't miss this chance and join us in Amsterdam 2012 for a further memorable ESSM congress. You will enjoy and never forget!
See you all in Amsterdam,
Hartmut Porst, ESSM President
Luca Incrocci, Meeting Chair |