Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága |
III. VASZKULÁRIS PREVENCIÓS ÉS REHABILITÁCIÓS NAPOK (Kardiológia és Neurológia Határok Nélkül a Határ Mentén) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2015.03.27. | Rendezvény vége: 2015.03.28. |
Helyszín: 9400 Sopron, Várisi út 4., Hotel Lővér |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.asszisztencia.hu/vprn |
Tudományos ülés az MKT Prevenciós és Rehabilitációs Munkacsoportja,a Magyar Stroke Társaság és az MKRT közös szervezésében.
Tisztelt Kollégák! Mindenkit szeretettel várunk 2015.március 27-28-án megrendezésre kerülő rendezvényünkön. A Kongresszus részletes programja és a regisztráció részletei a kapcsoló dokumentumokban találhatók.
Dr. Simon Éva PhD.
Soproni Gyógyközpont
Dr. Molnár Sándor PhD.
Soproni Gyógyközpont |
Magyar Hypertonia Társaság |
III. Szegedi Hypertonia Napok - A hypertonia több oldalról |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2015.03.27. | Rendezvény vége: 2015.03.28. |
Tudományos információ: Dr. Légrády Péter Ph.D. |
Munkahely neve: SZTE I. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika |
Címe: 6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 8. |
Tel: 06 62/545186 |
E-mail: peter.legrady@freemail.hu |
Szervező: Szalma Márta, Veres Gabriella |
Munkahely neve: Expert-Quality Kongresszusi és Utazási Iroda Kft. |
Címe: 1052 Budapest, Kígyó u. 4-6., Levélcím: 1243 Budapest, Pf.: 553. |
Tel: 06 1 302 5610; 06 1 311-6687 |
Fax: 06 1 383-7918 |
E-mail: szalma@eqcongress.hu; veres@eqcongress.hu |
Helyszín: 6726 Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 16-24., Hungest Hotel Forrás****Superior |
Tisztelettel meghívjuk az MTA SZAB Hypertonia és Nephrologiai Munkabizottsága, a Magyar Hypertonia Társaság, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem I. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika, Nephrologia-Hypertonia Centrum és
Hypertonia Kiválósági Központ tudományos ülésére!
A tudományos ülést ajánljuk családorvos, belgyógyász, kardiológus, nephrologus, hypertonológus, diabetológus, endokrinológus, obezitológus, lipidológus, rezidens, Ph.D. hallgató kollégáknak és minden érdeklődőnek.
Időpont: 2015. március 27-28.
Helyszín: Hunguest Hotel Forrás**** superior (6726 Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert u.16-24.)
A program letölthető ide kattintva >>
A jelentkezési lap letölthető ide kattintva >>
Dr. Ábrahám György
tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár, a SZAB Hypertonia és Nephrologiai Munkabizottsága elnöke
Dr. Kiss István
egyetemi tanár, a Magyar Hypertonia Társaság elnöke
Dr. Légrády Péter Ph.D.
egyetemi adjunktus, a SZAB Hypertonia és Nephrologiai Munkabizottsága titkára |
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság |
Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases taking place (Dresden, 10-13 September, 2019) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.09.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.09.13. |
Helyszín: Germany, Dresden, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.gfid-ev.de |
Dear Colleagues,
we have the great pleasure to hereby announce the 14th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies entitled “Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases” taking place from September 10 to September 13, 2019. The aim of the symposium is to bring together clinicians and scientists specialising in "autoimmunology" to exchange academic information and to present and discuss the results of basic and applied research on autoantigens, autoantibodies and autoimmunity. The preliminary program, please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/dsa-timetable.htm
Additionally, we are delighted to host the 5th International Consensus on ANA Pattern (ICAP) Workshop and the 4th International Autoantibody Standardization (IAS) Workshop on September 09, 2019.
The congress website is ready to use and to share: http://www.gfid-ev.de
As the past 13th Symposium was completely booked out, we found an interesting, more capacious congress location: The Dresden Fair. There you will find best conditions and modern equipment for successful presentations and interesting discussions. We wait 500 participants. The registration form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_reg.pdf
Your active participation is very welcome. The abstract form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_abstract.pdf, deadline is June 10. In 2019, the Dresden Prize on the Study of Autoantibodies for young scientists (1000 Euro) will be awarded for the eighth time.
Please inform also your colleagues about this forthcoming event.
Hoping to welcome you at Dresden!
Best regards
Karsten Conrad
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság |
Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases taking place (Dresden, 10-13 September, 2019) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.09.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.09.13. |
Helyszín: Germany, Dresden, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.gfid-ev.de |
Dear Colleagues,
we have the great pleasure to hereby announce the 14th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies entitled “Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases” taking place from September 10 to September 13, 2019. The aim of the symposium is to bring together clinicians and scientists specialising in "autoimmunology" to exchange academic information and to present and discuss the results of basic and applied research on autoantigens, autoantibodies and autoimmunity. The preliminary program, please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/dsa-timetable.htm
Additionally, we are delighted to host the 5th International Consensus on ANA Pattern (ICAP) Workshop and the 4th International Autoantibody Standardization (IAS) Workshop on September 09, 2019.
The congress website is ready to use and to share: http://www.gfid-ev.de
As the past 13th Symposium was completely booked out, we found an interesting, more capacious congress location: The Dresden Fair. There you will find best conditions and modern equipment for successful presentations and interesting discussions. We wait 500 participants. The registration form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_reg.pdf
Your active participation is very welcome. The abstract form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_abstract.pdf, deadline is June 10. In 2019, the Dresden Prize on the Study of Autoantibodies for young scientists (1000 Euro) will be awarded for the eighth time.
Please inform also your colleagues about this forthcoming event.
Hoping to welcome you at Dresden!
Best regards
Karsten Conrad
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság |
Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases taking place (Dresden, 10-13 September, 2019) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.09.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.09.13. |
Helyszín: Germany, Dresden, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.gfid-ev.de |
Dear Colleagues,
we have the great pleasure to hereby announce the 14th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies entitled “Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases” taking place from September 10 to September 13, 2019. The aim of the symposium is to bring together clinicians and scientists specialising in "autoimmunology" to exchange academic information and to present and discuss the results of basic and applied research on autoantigens, autoantibodies and autoimmunity. The preliminary program, please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/dsa-timetable.htm
Additionally, we are delighted to host the 5th International Consensus on ANA Pattern (ICAP) Workshop and the 4th International Autoantibody Standardization (IAS) Workshop on September 09, 2019.
The congress website is ready to use and to share: http://www.gfid-ev.de
As the past 13th Symposium was completely booked out, we found an interesting, more capacious congress location: The Dresden Fair. There you will find best conditions and modern equipment for successful presentations and interesting discussions. We wait 500 participants. The registration form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_reg.pdf
Your active participation is very welcome. The abstract form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_abstract.pdf, deadline is June 10. In 2019, the Dresden Prize on the Study of Autoantibodies for young scientists (1000 Euro) will be awarded for the eighth time.
Please inform also your colleagues about this forthcoming event.
Hoping to welcome you at Dresden!
Best regards
Karsten Conrad
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság |
Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases taking place (Dresden, 10-13 September, 2019) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.09.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.09.13. |
Helyszín: Germany, Dresden, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.gfid-ev.de |
Dear Colleagues,
we have the great pleasure to hereby announce the 14th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies entitled “Precision Medicine in the Care of Autoimmune Diseases” taking place from September 10 to September 13, 2019. The aim of the symposium is to bring together clinicians and scientists specialising in "autoimmunology" to exchange academic information and to present and discuss the results of basic and applied research on autoantigens, autoantibodies and autoimmunity. The preliminary program, please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/dsa-timetable.htm
Additionally, we are delighted to host the 5th International Consensus on ANA Pattern (ICAP) Workshop and the 4th International Autoantibody Standardization (IAS) Workshop on September 09, 2019.
The congress website is ready to use and to share: http://www.gfid-ev.de
As the past 13th Symposium was completely booked out, we found an interesting, more capacious congress location: The Dresden Fair. There you will find best conditions and modern equipment for successful presentations and interesting discussions. We wait 500 participants. The registration form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_reg.pdf
Your active participation is very welcome. The abstract form please find at: http://www.gfid-ev.de/formulare/14DSA_abstract.pdf, deadline is June 10. In 2019, the Dresden Prize on the Study of Autoantibodies for young scientists (1000 Euro) will be awarded for the eighth time.
Please inform also your colleagues about this forthcoming event.
Hoping to welcome you at Dresden!
Best regards
Karsten Conrad