Magyar Sebész Társaság |
VIII. Magyar NOTES Konferencia (Budapest, 2015.03.28.) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2015.03.28. | Rendezvény vége: 2015.03.28. |
Szakterület(ek): Sebészet |
Helyszín: 1082 Budapest, Üllői út 78., I. sz. Sebészeti Klinika |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.hungaronotes.hu |
Innováció, Oktatás, Telemedicina, Endoscopia és Sebészet
Semmelweis Egyetem, I.sz. Sebészeti Klinika, Budapest, 1082. Üllői út 78.
Pancreas- és epebetegségek minimál invasiv kezelési lehetőségei
Laparoscopos pancreas sebészet; laparoendoscopos randevú technika; a jóindulatú epeúti szűkületek kezelése szteroid injekcióval; EUS vezérelt lokalis kezelés inoperáblis pancreas tumoroknál
Újdonságok a bélbetegségek minimál invasiv ellátásában
G-EYE-endoscop; bélhosszabbító műtéti technika rövidbél szindrómában; sigmoideoscopia belet infiltráló endometriosisnál; transanalis specimen eltávolítás
Érdekességek, újdonságok
Robot laparoscopos asszisztens; a digitális technika hatása a sebészeti technikára; műtősnő, mint első asszisztens LC műtéteknél; újdonságok az invasiv endoscopiában; cégek újdonságainak bemutatója
Idős betegek minimál invasiv kezelése
Elektiv műtétek 70 év felett; idős betegek endoscopiája; minimál invasiv sebészet – minimál invasiv anaethesia?; táplálás speciális kérdései 70 év feletti betegeknél
Élő bemutatók: distalis vékonybél vizsgálata G-EYE scoppal és cholecystectomia robot asszisztenssel
Laparoscopos és flexibilis endoscopos hands-on trainingek
Gyakorlás Soloassist robot asszisztenssel; single port csomózás; 30 fokos optika kezelése; gyakorlás G-EYE endoscoppal; trükkök és eszközök endoscopos idegentest eltávolításhoz
A konferencia orvosok és szakdolgozók részére pontszerző
Bővebb információ a www.hungaronotes.hu oldalon.
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
3rd International Meeting on Nephrolithiasis 'RENAL STONES IN PRACTICE: an advanced course' |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.02.07. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.02.07. |
Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia |
Helyszín: Italy, Rome, |
Goals of the course are:
"metabolic" diagnosis and metaphylaxis of nephrolithiasis, multidisciplinary treatment of renal stones
Strategic goal:
to establish in 24 European or Mediterranean hospitals small teams (1 nephrologist, 1 urologist) for the global treatment of nephrolithiasis.
Only application from couples, a urologist and a nephrologist, from the same hospital will be considered.
Participating should be less than 45 yrs old.
They should have a stable position in their hospital. This does not mean having a tenure position, but a contract of at least few years (4-5) in front for allowing they work together for a sufficiently long period.
Thus, we will not admit trainees since they can move in different hospital at the end of their training.
Attendants will be fully covered by Fondazione Menarini, Milan. „h
We expect to receive the application by February 28 from each couple with their CVs and a declaration of the corresponding heads of department attesting the position of the applicants. „h (please submit application to emanuele.croppi951@gmail.com)
Program >>
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
3rd International Meeting on Nephrolithiasis 'RENAL STONES IN PRACTICE: an advanced course' |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.02.07. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.02.07. |
Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia |
Helyszín: Italy, Rome, |
Goals of the course are:
"metabolic" diagnosis and metaphylaxis of nephrolithiasis, multidisciplinary treatment of renal stones
Strategic goal:
to establish in 24 European or Mediterranean hospitals small teams (1 nephrologist, 1 urologist) for the global treatment of nephrolithiasis.
Only application from couples, a urologist and a nephrologist, from the same hospital will be considered.
Participating should be less than 45 yrs old.
They should have a stable position in their hospital. This does not mean having a tenure position, but a contract of at least few years (4-5) in front for allowing they work together for a sufficiently long period.
Thus, we will not admit trainees since they can move in different hospital at the end of their training.
Attendants will be fully covered by Fondazione Menarini, Milan. „h
We expect to receive the application by February 28 from each couple with their CVs and a declaration of the corresponding heads of department attesting the position of the applicants. „h (please submit application to emanuele.croppi951@gmail.com)
Program >>
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
3rd International Meeting on Nephrolithiasis 'RENAL STONES IN PRACTICE: an advanced course' |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.02.07. | Rendezvény vége: 2017.02.07. |
Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia |
Helyszín: Italy, Rome, |
Goals of the course are:
"metabolic" diagnosis and metaphylaxis of nephrolithiasis, multidisciplinary treatment of renal stones
Strategic goal:
to establish in 24 European or Mediterranean hospitals small teams (1 nephrologist, 1 urologist) for the global treatment of nephrolithiasis.
Only application from couples, a urologist and a nephrologist, from the same hospital will be considered.
Participating should be less than 45 yrs old.
They should have a stable position in their hospital. This does not mean having a tenure position, but a contract of at least few years (4-5) in front for allowing they work together for a sufficiently long period.
Thus, we will not admit trainees since they can move in different hospital at the end of their training.
Attendants will be fully covered by Fondazione Menarini, Milan. „h
We expect to receive the application by February 28 from each couple with their CVs and a declaration of the corresponding heads of department attesting the position of the applicants. „h (please submit application to emanuele.croppi951@gmail.com)
Program >>