Magyar Immunológiai Társaság |
EFIS-EJI South Eastern European Immunology School (SEEIS2014) 2014.09.26-29. (Románia, Temesvár) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2014.09.26. | Rendezvény vége: 2014.09.29. |
Szakterület(ek): Allergológia, klinikai immunológia |
Helyszín: Románia, Temesvár, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.bnitm.de/SEEIS2014 |
Kedves MIT Tagtárs,
Szeretném felhívni fiatal kollégái figyelmét az alábbi Immunológiai kurzusra, ahol saját munkájuk bemutatása mellett neves nemzetközi előadók továbbképző előadásait is meghallgathatják, valamint gyakorlati, többek között mikroszkópos képzésben is részesülhetnek.
A részvétel ingyenes.
Részleteket lásd a http://www.bnitm.de/SEEIS2014 honlapon.
Berki Timea
MIT főtitkár |
Magyar Plasztikai Helyreállító és Esztétikai Sebész Társaság |
ESPRAS2018 (Limassol, Cyprus, 22-23 October 2018) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2018.10.22. | Rendezvény vége: 2018.10.23. |
Helyszín: Cyprus, Limassol, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.espras2018.org |
In 6 weeks from today ESPRAS2018 will open it’s gates to welcome you and your fellow colleagues!
The organising and scientific committees have done their outmost best to provide an academic and cultural programme to be remembered. The congress is ICOPLAST endorsed as well as MedTech compliant. It also offers 26 CME (EACCME) points.
I urge you to have a close look at the programme which is on our website http://www.espras2018.org/programme.html
You will be impressed by its depth and variety.
Please visit the additional pre-congress courses that are available: http://www.espras2018.org/courses.html as well as the Masterclass sessions: http://www.espras2018.org/masterclasses.html
Note that registration at early bird prices is still possible.
I would like to kindly ask you to contact your society’s members once again and to inform them about the upcoming congress by sending them the attached brochure.
The success of the congress relies on your participation and kind assistance.
Looking forward to seeing you in Cyprus,
Georgios Psaras MD FCS(SA)plast
Professor of Plastic Surgery
ESPRAS2018 Chair
CySPRAS President
International Member of ASPS
Invitation >>
Magyar Szülészeti-Nőgyógyászati Ultrahang Társaság |
28th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (20-24 October 2018, Singapore) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2018.10.20. | Rendezvény vége: 2018.10.24. |
Helyszín: Singapore, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.isuog.org/events/world-congress.html |
ISUOG's World Congress is the main annual scientific meeting for clinicians who use or research ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.
As one of the most culturally rich and dynamically progressive cities of the world, Singapore is a perfect destination for our internationally renowned forum of education, clinical updates and networking for ultrasound professionals. By attending ISUOG 2018 you’ll hear from a fusion of world-renowned speakers presenting on the most up-to-date research, benefit from our partnerships with other societies, including the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM), and experience a leading event in ultrasound.
Important deadlines
20 August Early bird registration deadline
20 October Pre-Congress courses and Basic Training
21 October Congress opens
More details on the website: https://www.isuog.org/events/world-congress.html >>