Magyar Immunológiai Társaság IMPULSE Szimpózium (Mátraháza, 2013.08.31-09.03.)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.08.31.Rendezvény vége: 2013.09.03. Tudományos információ: Anna ERDEI, Gabriella SÁRMAY, Imre KACSKOVICS, János MATKÓ, Attila MÓCSAI, György PANYI, József PRECHL Címe: E-mail: Munkahely neve: Arts and Graphs (Conference Secreteriat) E-mail: Helyszín: Mátraháza, A rendezvény Web oldala: IMPULSE: IMmune-related Pathologies: Understanding Leukocyte Signaling and Emerging therapies - IMPULSE 2013, an EFIS-EJI Symposium
Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 1, 2013
Early registration: June 15, 2013
Further information is available on the website.
EFIS bursaries (covering registration fee and full accomodation) for talented scientist under 35 are still available. Applicants have to send their abstract and CV to and cc to
Make sure to submit your abstract in time and don't forget to apply for an EFIS bursary if you are under 35!
Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets in inflammation
-B cells
-T cells
-Ion channels and inflammation
-Therapeutic targets in inflammation
-Microvesicles & Inflammation or Disease
-Development and application of therapeutic antibodies in inflammatory diseases Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (2)
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat IMmune-related Pathologies: Understanding Leukocyte Signaling and Emerging therapies - IMPULSE 2013
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.08.31.Rendezvény vége: 2013.09.03. Helyszín: Mátraháza, Residence Ózon**** Conference & Wellness Hotel A rendezvény Web oldala: The subject of the 2013 IMPULSE symposium will be
"Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets in inflammation".
The meeting will bring together basic scientists, clinicians and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry to discuss the understanding and therapy of inflammatory diseases.
IMPULSE 2013 will focus on the following topics:
B cells as therapeutic targets
Therapeutic targeting of T cells
Ion channels and inflammation
Therapeutic targets in inflammation
Microvesicles & Inflammation/Disease
Development and application of therapeutic antibodies in inflammatory diseases
Participants with academic, clinical and industrial relations are kindly invited to create this melting pot: IMPULSE
Magyar Tüdőgyógyász Társaság WORLD ASTHMA MEETING (WAM2007)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2007.06.22.Rendezvény vége: 2007.06.25. Helyszín: Istanbul A rendezvény Web oldala: Dear Colleague,
It will be a great honour and privilige for us to host the 2007 World Asthma Meeting in Istanbul. This city is truly a bridge between Europe and Asia; a bridge between cultures and a melting pot of civilizations. Istanbul has always been a city of tolerance where mosques, churches and synagogues existed side by side. Finally it will be a bridge between scientific and social aspects of asthma in 2007.
The WAM committee wished to discuss regional perspectives of asthma in a city on two different continents, historically and geographically connecting Northern Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and East Europe.
Please come and enjoy the scientific program.
Please come and let yourself be spoilt with the famous Turkish hospitality.
Please come and feel the charm of the capital of three great empires, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman from where over 120 emperors and sultans ruled for more than 1,600 years !
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Elif Dađlý
Chair, World Asthma Meeting