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doki.NET háttér-rendszert használó más társaságok legfrissebb hírei
• Dr. Hamary Dániel: A szívbetegségek különös kór- és gyógytana című könyve hasonmás példányai megvásárolhatók a Magyary Zoltán Tudásközpont és Könyvtárban...>> Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága hírei
[ 2025.03.19. ]
• Dear Colleagues,The 3rd International Pediatric Updates Symposium, jointly organized by The Society of Pediatric Allergy Immunology And Asthma...>> Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága hírei
[ 2025.03.19. ]
• Sulyok Tamás, Magyarország köztársasági elnöke – a belügyminiszter előterjesztésére – nemzeti ünnepünk, március 15-e alkalmából a Magyar Ezüst...>> Magyar Diabetes Társaság hírei
[ 2025.03.18. ]
• Az „Alapítvány Dr. Flerkó Béla és Dr. Bárdos Vera emlékére” emlékérmet alapított Dr. Flerkó Béla és Dr. Bárdos Vera emlékezetére, melyre 2019-től évente...>> Magyar Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Társaság hírei
[ 2025.03.18. ]
• Kedves Kollegák! Utoljára 2023-ban rendeztünk Plasztikai Sebészeti Kötelező Szintentartó tanfolyamot Pécsett.  Örömmel tájékoztatlak benneteket,...>> Magyar Plasztikai Helyreállító és Esztétikai Sebész Társaság hírei
[ 2025.03.18. ]
Linkek, dokumentumok oldalon belüli megjelenítése
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Kongresszusok, rendezvények
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Hazai kongresszusok rendezvények
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Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság
Debreceni Egyetem, Nephrologiai Klinikopathologiai Esetismertetés
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.12.03.Rendezvény vége: 2025.12.03.
Helyszín: Online,
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
AO Trauma Masters Course – Hand & Wrist, December 2025
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.12.06.Rendezvény vége: 2025.12.09.
Helyszín: Switzerland, Davos,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://aofnd.my.site.com/evt/s/evt-event/a1oTG000004LyAO/e23001017-ao-trauma-masters-coursehand-wrist-with-human-anatomical-specime?mc_cid=237ca765df&mc_eid=6e1f350209
Date: Dec 06 - 09, 2025

 Davos, Switzerland

This masters-level course is designed for experienced professionals managing complex hand and wrist injuries. Through a highly interactive program, we will explore state-of-the-art surgical techniques, evidence-based treatment approaches, and strategies for preventing and managing complications. The course features case-based discussions, expert debates, and hands-on training with human anatomical specimens to refine practical skills.


By the end of the course, participants will:

  ✔  Master advanced principles of hand and wrist surgery.
  ✔  Evaluate and apply evidence-based treatment options with confidence.
  ✔  Refine surgical techniques for optimal patient outcomes.
  ✔  Develop strategies to prevent and manage complications.
  ✔  Apply principles and techniques to their own clinical practice.
Magyar Diabetes Társaság
XXVII. Budapest Diabetes Szimpózium
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2026.02.06.Rendezvény vége: 2026.02.07.
Helyszín: Budapest, Aquaworld Resort
Szervező: Prof. Dr. Jermendy György, Prof. Dr. Wittmann István

Külföldi kongresszusok rendezvények
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Magyar Plasztikai Helyreállító és Esztétikai Sebész Társaság
International Facial Nerve Symposium 2025
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.09.24.Rendezvény vége: 2025.09.27.
Helyszín: Spain, Madrid,
Dear colleague,
The next IFNS 2025, the International Facial Nerve Symposium, will be held from September 24-27, 2025, in Madrid, Spain, organized by Prof. Luis Lassaletta and myself.
This congress aims to bring together leading experts in the field of facial nerve disorders to share the latest research, clinical advancements, and treatment strategies. The conference is based on abstract submissions, which are organized into parallel sessions. You can check the preliminary program at https://ifns.es/programme/scientific-programme/.

Abstracts submission is open until April 1st.
Congress flyer
For more detailed information about the congress, including registration and event updates, please visit our website at www.ifns2025.com.
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság
2025 World Neuroscience and Psychiatry Conference (2025WNPC)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11.
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: neuroscience@episirus.org
Szervező: Morris Silvia
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: neuroscience@episirus.org
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://neuroscience.episirus.org/
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend 2025 World Neuroscience and Psychiatry Conference (2025WNPC) held during October 10-11,2025 in Singapore with the theme “Shaping the Future of Mental Health and Neuroscience”. This international meet anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference is perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Neuroscience, Psychiatry and Neurology. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Neurology, Mental Health and Medical Associations.
Scientific Sessions:
Neuroscience and Neurology
Mental Plasticity & Development
Stress Neuroscience and the Neurobiology
Brain Injury
Stroke and Trauma
Controversies in Neurology
Neurological Disorders
Pediatric Neurology
Adult Neurogenesis and Cell Biology
Ageing and Dementia, Alzheimer Disease
Target Audience
• Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuroscientists, and Researchers
• Neurology Faculty and Students
• Doctors and Scientists
• Universities, Associations, and Societies
• Students and Research Scholars
• Business Delegates
• Product Manufacturer
• Psychiatrists and Psychologists
Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság
2025 World Pediatrics Conference
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11.
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org
Szervező: Morris Silvia
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://pediatrics.episirus.org/world-pediatrics-conference/
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend the 2025 World Paediatrics Conference (2025WPC) which is going to be held during October 10–11, 2025, in Singapore around the theme ‘Innovating Pediatric Care for a Healthier Future’ accredited with CPD credits which enable the professionals from worldwide to exchange their views on a wide variety of topics affecting child care and those suffering from pediatric diseases around the world. Since Genetic variance, developmental issues and Congenital defects are of a greater concern to pediatricians, we will be exploring more into these fields. This international meet (2025WPC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Pediatric and Neonatal care. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Pediatric and Medical Associations.

Few Topics which will be covered:

 Pediatric Biochemistry
 Pediatric Epilepsy
 Pediatric Genetics
 Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
 Pediatric Infectious Diseases
 Pediatric Neuroradiology
 Child Nutrition
 Pediatric Immunology
 Pediatric Allergy and Dermatology
 Pediatric Cardiology
 Pediatric Psychology and Adolescent Medicine
 Pediatric Neurology
 Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
 Pediatric Emergencies and many more

Target Audience:

 Pediatrician
 Pediatirc Cardiologists
 Pediatric Neurologists
 Pediatric Researchers
 Pediatric Scientists
 Pediatric Nurses
 Pediatric Dermatologists
 Pediatric Faculty
 Medical Colleges
 Pediatric Physicians
 Training Institutes
 Industry professionals
 Researchers
 Fellows or Postdoctoral Students
 Therapists
 Emeritus
 Young Research Scientists
 Business Delegates
 Medical Students
 Device Manufacturing Companies
 Pediatric Associations and Societies
Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság
2025 World Radiology and Medical Imaging Conference
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11.
Szakterület(ek): Radiológia
Tudományos információ: K. Achara
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: radiomeet@episirus.org
Szervező: K. Achara
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: radiomeet@episirus.org
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://radiology.episirus.org/2025-radiology-conference-singapore/
2025 World Radiology and Medical Imaging Conference (2025WRMI) is the educational event which is designed to advance knowledge and expertise in Radiology and Medical Imaging that rotate between continents and are organized in collaboration with national and international Radiology and Medical Imaging societies and associations. This International Congress 2025WRMI is going to be held in Singapore, during October 10-11, 2025. The conference is targeted to the international Radiology and Medical Imaging community as well as other healthcare professionals involved in multidisciplinary Radiology challenges; For every community, there continues to be a need for Radiology and Medical Imaging teams to evaluate and treat the severely chronic patients. It is appropriate that this Radiology Conference take the action of leading a continuing education venue for the complex operative and Radiology challenges and become the epitome of such series.
The 2025 World Radiology and Medical Imaging Conference (2025WRMI) will be organized around the theme ‘Next-Gen Radiology: Innovations for a Healthier World’.

Few Topics which will be covered:

Advanced Imaging Techniques, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Radiology, Hybrid Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Pediatric Imaging, Oncologic Imaging, Cardiovascular Imaging, Neuroradiology, Musculoskeletal Imaging, Radiology in Emergency Medicine, Radiology Education and Training, Future Trends and Innovations in Radiology, Advanced technology and Instrumentation, Medical X-ray, Ultrasound Imaging, CT Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Medicine imaging, Radiation Oncology, Multi-Model Imaging, Forensic radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Positron Emission Tomography, Chest Radiology, Advances in Breast Imaging, Neuroradiology, Genitourinary Radiology, Radiotherapy, Imaging Techniques in Ophthalmology, Gastrointestinal Radiology, Radiology Informatics, Diagnostic Medical Physics, Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Thoracic Radiology, Patient safety and Practice Management, Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Target Audience:
• Radiologist
• Imaging Technologist
• Diagnostic Radiologists
• Interventional Radiologists
• Pediatric Radiologists
• Neuroradiologists
• Radiology Scientist
• Medical Physicists
• Medical Imaging Technologists
• Radiotherapists
• Radiology Nurse
• Radiology Director or Administrator
• Biomedical Engineers
• Radiology Residents and Fellows
• Healthcare Associations and Radiology Societies
• Radiology Informatics Specialist
• Healthcare Technology Entrepreneur
• Physicians and Surgeons
• Researchers and Academics
• Industry Professionals
• Students

• Young Research Scientists
• Business Delegates
• Medical Students
• Device Manufacturing Companies
• Associations and Societies
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság
2025 World Pediatrics Conference
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11.
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org
Szervező: Morris Silvia
Címe: Singapore,
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://pediatrics.episirus.org/world-pediatrics-conference/
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend the 2025 World Paediatrics Conference (2025WPC) which is going to be held during October 10–11, 2025, in Singapore around the theme ‘Innovating Pediatric Care for a Healthier Future’ accredited with CPD credits which enable the professionals from worldwide to exchange their views on a wide variety of topics affecting child care and those suffering from pediatric diseases around the world. Since Genetic variance, developmental issues and Congenital defects are of a greater concern to pediatricians, we will be exploring more into these fields. This international meet (2025WPC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Pediatric and Neonatal care. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Pediatric and Medical Associations.

Few Topics which will be covered:

 Pediatric Biochemistry
 Pediatric Epilepsy
 Pediatric Genetics
 Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
 Pediatric Infectious Diseases
 Pediatric Neuroradiology
 Child Nutrition
 Pediatric Immunology
 Pediatric Allergy and Dermatology
 Pediatric Cardiology
 Pediatric Psychology and Adolescent Medicine
 Pediatric Neurology
 Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
 Pediatric Emergencies and many more

Target Audience:

 Pediatrician
 Pediatirc Cardiologists
 Pediatric Neurologists
 Pediatric Researchers
 Pediatric Scientists
 Pediatric Nurses
 Pediatric Dermatologists
 Pediatric Faculty
 Medical Colleges
 Pediatric Physicians
 Training Institutes
 Industry professionals
 Researchers
 Fellows or Postdoctoral Students
 Therapists
 Emeritus
 Young Research Scientists
 Business Delegates
 Medical Students
 Device Manufacturing Companies
 Pediatric Associations and Societies
Korábbi kongresszusok, rendezvények megjelenítése >>

2025. március 19.
József, Bánk napja
Min / Max: 2 °C / 14 °C
Szélsebesség: 31 km/h

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