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MOT társasági hírek>>

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Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
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    24th Annual Meeting of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society
    [2011.01.31.] - MOT - Hírkategória: Rendezvény információ
    Belgium, Het PandOn behalf of the European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society we are pleased to invite you to its 24th Annual Meeting and the 12th Symposium of the ESMOS Nurses Group in Ghent from 18 till 20 May 2011.

    The topics will cover all aspects of sarcoma management, incluing some special focuses. Biological recontstruction techniques, spinal malignancies , imaging anf interventional techniques, basic and translational research, updates on oncology protocols, and the broad spectrum of giant cell containing tumours will be highlighted in Ghent. Plenary sessions given by outstanding scientists in the field, E-poster sessions encouraging individual scientific discussions, industry symposia and a training day will alsoo be a major input into our program. This meeting will foster scientific exchange between junior and senior scientists and will give opportunities for a lively discussion between researchers from academic and industrial institutions. We especially encourage young researchers and scientists at the beginning of their career to participate in this meeting. In this perspective, we also offer a special and warm welcome to our non-European colleagues. We hope you will all join us with your valuable participation, your scientific input and sharing your expertise. Therefore, we expect the 24th annual EMSOS congress and the 12th EMSOS Nurses Symposium will be an outstanding scientific international meeting. We are convinced you will enjoy the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the beautiful medieval city of Ghent in which these scientific presentations and discussions will be held. Welcome to Ghent and its University in May 2011.

    Go to EMSOS page >>



MOT társasági hírek>>

MOT tagdíj összege szakorvosoknak: 12.000 Ft

Szakorvosjelölteknek 8.000 Ft.

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