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Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

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    14th European SICOT Trainees' Meeting
    [2005.01.18.] - zahi - Hírkategória: Általános

    Dear Friends!
    It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to the 14th European SICOT Trainees'Meeting this year in Budapest. The topics of the meeting give us the chance to update our knowledge on the most important fields of orthopaedics and trauma surgery in childhood.
    It is our sincere hope that many trainees from different parts of Europe will attend our meeting. In addition to assessing the professional qualities of the lectures there will also be a variety of social events including a boat cruise on the Danube to experience the beauties of Budapest and to complete the professional discussion while having some pleasant wine tasting and friendly conversation.
    We are looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest in 2005.
    Prof Dr. M. Szendrôi
    SICOT National Delegate for Hungary

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)



MOT társasági hírek>>

MOT tagdíj összege szakorvosoknak: 12.000 Ft

Szakorvosjelölteknek 8.000 Ft.

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