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MOT társasági hírek>>

Az MOT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    18th EFORT Instructional Course - Knee Course
    [2007.11.06.] - MOT - Hírkategória: Általános
    In the last few years there were some controversial innovations introduced in the field of Total Knee Replacement Surgery. How to separate wheat from the chaff? Do we need all that? MIS, High Flex, Gender Solution, CAS, in view of more and more demanding patients and decreasing resources in health care?

    During the 18th EFORT Course on “Latest Advancements in TKR” we have the opportunity to discuss with a distinguished international faculty all the new and in some way confusing trends in the Total Knee Replacement. John Goodfellow said once that progress means to go two steps forward and one step back. At the end of the course we will know which direction the step is we are right just now.

    We would like to welcome you in Zurich, wish you a pleasant stay and interesting discussions. The whole is only as good as the sum of all its parts. The faculty and the participants are in charge to give their best for a successful meeting. It is a great honour and privilege for the Schulthess Klinik to be chosen by the EFORT to accommodate this Instructional Course and we are convinced, that you will not return home disappointed.

    Join Us!
    Detailed information in the programme file >>

    We are looking forward to this interesting course. Bear in mind that our Courses bring participants from different countries together and thus, will provide an excellent opportunity to tie new contacts with peers and broaden your horizon.

    We look forward to receiving your registration on http://www.efort.org >>



MOT társasági hírek>>

MOT tagdíj összege szakorvosoknak: 12.000 Ft

Szakorvosjelölteknek 8.000 Ft.

65 éves kortól lehet kérni az emeritus tagságot a MOT Főtitkárához írt levélben. Az emeritus tagot tagdíjmentesség illeti meg a MOT alapszabálya szerint.

70. életév betöltése után tagdíjfizetési kötelezettség nincsen.

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