Magyar Diabetes Társaság |
Soproni Prevenciós Club |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2009.10.16. | Rendezvény vége: 2009.10.17. |
Tudományos információ: Dr. Tschürtz Nándor |
Tel: 06 30/387-3731 |
Munkahely neve: Remedicon Kft. |
Tel: 06-1-2250188 |
Fax: 06-1-2250189 |
E-mail: info@remedicon.hu |
Helyszín: 9400 Sopron, Ojtózi fasor 3., Hotel Fagus**** Konferencia és Wellness Hotel |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.sopronert2005.hu/content/view/190/78/ |
A konferencia célja:
A vaszkuláris medicina különböző területein tevékenykedő szakmailag elismert személyek megosszák egymással és a vaszkuláris prevenció iránt érdeklődő kollégáikkal az aktuális szakmai irányelveket és ezzel kapcsolatos saját gondolataikat.
Kredit érték: 20 pont
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság |
18th IPNA Congress |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.10.15. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.10.16. |
Helyszín: Italy, Venice, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://ipna2019.org/ |
Dear Colleagues,
We are proud to announce our Third IPNA - ESPN Master for Junior Classes, second cycle, that will be held in Venice – Italy, October 15-16th, 2019, just before the 18th IPNA congress.
This course will be specially dedicated to acute renal failure, dialysis, transplantation and chronic renal disease. The scientific program is already available on ESPN and IPNA websites
This IPNA-ESPN educational program is especially dedicated to Paediatrics residents, Paediatricians with special interest in Paediatric Nephrology, fellows in Paediatric Nephrology and young Paediatric Nephrologists. The whole program includes three meetings in three consecutive years, the full attendance will allow the achievement of the IPNA-ESPN Master. A CME certificate will be distributed after this meeting, also for the ones who were not able to accomplish the whole cycle.
We are receiving applications, few places still available.
For application procedure, please send your short CV (birthday mandatory) to Prof. Rezan Topaloglu (rezantopaloglu@hacettepe.edu.tr) or Dr. Ana Teixeira (anafteixeira@gmail.com).
Deadline for applications: July 10th. ESPN 2019 membership is mandatory.
Magyar Plasztikai Helyreállító és Esztétikai Sebész Társaság |
The Aesthetic Medicine Congress 2019 |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2019.10.11. | Rendezvény vége: 2019.10.13. |
Helyszín: Croatia, Dubrovnik, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://tamc.conventuscredo.hr/ |
The Aesthetic Medicine Congress, TAMC 2019, will take place from October 11-13, 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
We are delighted to be organising our second international conference once again with our partners, the British College of Aesthetic Medicine.
1. Dermal fillers in anti-aging and facial shaping
2. Skin rejuvenation treatments with a special focus on stem cells and blood plasma treatments
3. Aesthetic gynaecology
4. Life extension (gerontology)
5. Body contouring and fat reduction
6. Botulinum toxin type A basic and advanced techniques
7. Management of complications
8. Anatomy
9. Patient communication
10. Business management and marketing
11. Medical tourism
Early bird registration deadline: 28.02.2019
More details, program, online registration on the website: https://tamc.conventuscredo.hr/