Magyar Élet- és Egészségbiztosítási Orvostani Társaság |
22nd International Congress of Insurance Medicine ICLAM |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2007.05.06. | Rendezvény vége: 2007.05.09. |
Helyszín: Berliner Congress Center, Berlin Németország |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.iclam2007.de/ |
Dear visitor of this website,
it is a great honor for us to host the 22nd International Congress of Insurance Medicine ICLAM in May 2007 in Berlin. It will be the second congress of this kind in Berlin. The first one took place almost 100 years ago. We expect many delegates from all continents. We want to make a program for you you will not forget.
Congress venue is the Berlin Congress Center BCC at Alexanderplatz. With its dome-shaped conference hall it is an architectural masterpiece. It was just recently renovated.
In 1906 infectious diseases like tuberculosis and syphilis, vaccinations, and -you won´t believe- overweight were main topics. For 2007 we have compiled a very attractive Scientific Program consisting of renowned speakers. Infectious diseases, however, except for AIDS and Influenza, are not as important anymore nowadays. Overweight on the other hand is more relevant than ever. There will also be an introductory course to Insurance Medicine.
Besides the Scientific Program, there will also be an interesting Social Program. Pre and post congress tours will be offered for guests coming from far away.
Who should attend?
Doctors working in the field of insurance medicine, social medicine, forensic medicine, occupational medicine, and authorities of various specialites establishing medical expertises for the insurance industry
Keeping up with the world-wide developments of insurance medicine is a must for every medical doctor working in the insurance industry. This ICLAM congress will offer an ideal opportunity for this.
Underwriters and claims specialists of insurance companies who play a key role in medical underwriting and claims management are also invited. The lectures will help them in making their daily decisions. There will be workshops tailored to their needs.
Actuaries are also welcome because here they can find information relating to long-term mortality and disability and meet the experts who can personally give them more information.
Managers of Insurance Companies are also welcome who can see what is going on insurance medicine which plays a major role in controlling antiselection and balancing the odds of medical risks and thus protecting the companies from undue losses.
You are cordially invited to join us in Berlin. We always say " Berlin ist eine Reise wert" ( Berlin is worth a trip) and has a lot to offer. I bet you will agree.
See you in Berlin
Arrividerci a Berlino
Au révoir à Berlin
Auf Wiedersehen in Berlin
Siegfried Akermann, MD
Chair Organizing Committee
President ICLAM
További részletes információk angol, illetve német nyelven elérhetőek a kongresszus web-oldalán. |
doki.NET |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.12.03. | Rendezvény vége: 2008.12.06. |
Tudományos információ: Jochen Lange, Prof. M.D. |
Munkahely neve: Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital St. Gallen |
Címe: 9007 St.Gallen, Switzerland |
Tel: 41 71 494 13 27 |
Fax: 41 71 494 28 86 |
Szervező: Evelyne Hirsiger |
Munkahely neve: Department of Surgery |
Címe: 9007 St.Gallen, Switzerland |
Tel: 41 71 494 13 27 |
Fax: 41 71 494 28 86 |
Helyszín: Switzerland, Olma Messen, St.Gallen, St. Jakobstrasse 94., Hall 2 and 3, Entrance C,E and G |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.colorectalsurgery.eu/index.html |
Magyar Osteológiai és Osteoarthrológiai Társaság |
IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.12.03. | Rendezvény vége: 2008.12.07. |
Szervező: IOF Congress Secretariat |
Címe: 73, cours Albert Thomas
69447 Lyon cédex 03 France |
Tel: +33 4 72914177 |
Fax: +33 4 72 369052 |
E-mail: info@iofbonehealth.org |
Helyszín: Thailand, Bangkok, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.iofbonehealth.org |
Organized by: IOF - International Osteoporosi Foundation
In cooperation with: Thai Osteoporosis Foundation
Submission deadline: June 2, 2008
Notificaton of acceptance: August 4, 2008
Early registration: until May 22, 2008
Pre-registration: May 23, 2008 to October 31, 2008
On site registration: December 3-7, 2008
Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága |
ICCA 2008 |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.12.03. | Rendezvény vége: 2008.12.06. |
Szervező: Ms Nadine Koebke |
Munkahely neve: Convents Congress Organisation |
Címe: Obertorstrasse 17a
64823 Gross-Umstadt, Germany |
Tel: +49-(0)6078–931 68 77 |
Fax: +49-(0)6078–931 68 79 |
E-mail: nkoebke@convents.biz |
Helyszín: Germany, Frankfurt, |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.iccaonline.org/ |
8th International Course on Carotid Angioplasty and other Cerebrovascular Interventions
This course addresses physicians involved in the prevention and treatment of stroke, including neurologists, radiologists, neuroradiologists, vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons and cardiologists. It will give an overview of the latest developments in interventional techniques to treat atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease and acute ischemic or embolic stroke.
Didactic lectures given by leading interventional specialists will be combined with lectures and posters highlighting about the latest scientific research in the field. Live cases will be transmitted simultaneously from the catheterization laboratories. The attendees will have the opportunity to see different approaches and techniques, step by step for beginners as well as the most difficult cases for experienced interventionalists. Oral abstracts and posters will be presented.
This congress will be accredited by EBAC and the German Cardiac Society
Congress Topics ICCA 2008
- What is the Best Stent for the Carotids?
- How to Select the Best Embolic Protection Device
- Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: To Treat or to Wait Until They are Symptomatic?
- Vulnerable Plaque: Does it Tell us who Needs Which Treatment?
- New Trends in Vertebral Stenting
- How to Recanalize the Subclavian Artery
- A new Frontier: Intracranial Stents
- Cerebral Aneurysms
- How to Build an Acute Stroke Program
- How to Manage Complications in the Cath-lab